#72: Size and Shape.
Reconstruction | Description |
ALEALE.B | Concave, hollow; thin (of solid) |
FAA-LASI | Wide |
FAA-QITI | Narrow |
FATI.B | Bend, curve, form an angle |
FEFE.A | Crooked, bent |
FUA-QEFA | Large (Rby) |
FUTA.1 | To inflate, swell up; float of fishing net; to boast |
GAOFE | Curved, bent in curve |
HIIKOKE | Thin |
KA-KANO.2 | Wide, broad |
KALALA | Thin |
KAO.4 | Slender, narrow: *(ka-)kao |
KIU.3 | Tapering |
KOLU | Curved, coiled |
KOMA.4 | Narrow |
KOOKOO.2A | Porous, hollow |
KOPE | Wrap up; bundle; goods, possessions |
KOPI-TI | Narrow, closed |
KUU.3 | Short, cut off |
LAA-NUI | Big, large, extensive, important |
LAFA-LAFA | Flat and/or broad: *la(fa)lafa |
LAFI.1 | Thin |
LAPA.1A | Flat, broad: *lapa(lapa) |
LASI | Numerous, large, great |
LAU-LASI | Broad |
LAU-QEFA | Wide |
LAU-QITI | Narrow |
LAU-RIKI | Narrow: *lau-(ri)riki |
LOA.1 | Long (in space or time); tall |
MA-NIFI | Thin |
MAATOLU | Thick |
MAGA-MAGA.A | Branching, forked |
MAKAU.1 | Bend, turn |
MASAGA.1 | Forked, branching (Clk) |
MATA-LIKI.A | Small, minute; fine (mesh, weave, etc.); small points or lights: *mata(li)liki |
MATUU | Fat |
MOKU | Little |
MURE | Short; to cease, end |
NAHO | Hollow: *na(f,s)o |
NIFI.1 | Thin, sharp |
NIKO | Circular or curved; to go in circles or in curves |
NOU.3 | Contract the body; short |
NUI.1 | Big |
PA-LAFA | Flat, wide; broad, flat object |
PA-TAKE | Shallow (of container) : *p(a,e)-take |
PAA-TARATARA | Serrated, saw-toothed; having sharp points on surface |
PAKEWA.1 | Not straight; in error |
PEKA.2B | Criss-cross, branching, tangled (vegetation) |
PEKE.2A | Twisted, bent, crooked, stunted |
PIKO.A | Bent, curved, crooked |
71 entries found