#88: Flora.
Reconstruction | Description |
GASERE | Forest |
KOO-TAFA.B | Bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus) |
LIMU | Moss, seaweed |
LIMU-TALA. | Seaweed (Sargassum sp.) |
MAHUKU | Grasses, sedges, ferns and other small plant spp; overgrown fallow area, swidden: *m(a,o)huku |
MATIE | Grass |
MATUQA.B | Main, principal; also in expressions for "thumb" and "big toe" |
MUTIE | Grass |
OLO.1 | Clump of trees, bush, hillside |
QULU.2 | Grove, clump of trees |
REMU.2 | Moss |
RETO | An aquatic plant: *ret(o,u) |
TAKA-TAKA | Plant sp., a grass or sedge |
TOA-VAO | Plant sp. (Psilotum nudum) (Grf) |
WAA-WAA.2B | Vine, rope: *(waa)waa |
WAO.A | Forest |
WAO.B | In compounds meaning 'wild, undomesticated' (of animals), 'savage' (of humans) |
17 entries found