Protoform: MATUQA.B [PN] Main, principal; also in expressions for "thumb" and "big toe"

Description: Main, principal; also in expressions for "thumb" and "big toe"
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*1 Cf. NP *hala-matuqa, *vao-matuqa

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Matua Important, major, primary; adult; mature, ripe (Fbg)
Easter Island Rima matuʔa nea-nea Thumb (archaic) (Wbr)
Emae Rima matua Thumb (Cpl)
Hawaiian Makua Main stalk of a plant (Pki)
Hawaiian Wao akua A distant mountain region, believed inhabited only by spirits; desert, wilderness Problematic (Pki)
Kapingamarangi Giodo mmaadua Outrigger booms toward the center of the canoe (Lbr)
Kapingamarangi Madaalima madua Thumb (Lbr)
New Zealand Maori Matua Main, chief, important; hull or body of canoe, body of calabash to which paewa affixed (Wms)
Niue Matalima motua Thumb (Sph)
Niue Matahui motua Big toe (Sph)
Nuguria Rima matua Daumen (Ths)
Nukumanu Haka/maatua Called great (Trt)
Nukuoro Dabuvae madua Big toe (Crl)
Nukuoro Giado madua Main outrigger booms (Crl)
Nukuoro Madannia madua Thumb (Crl)
Penrhyn Matua Senior line; main, larger (war party) (Bck)
Pukapuka Mata/matua Main, important (Sby)
Rennellese Gima matuʔa Thumb (Ebt)
Samoan Matua Loyal, owe allegiance to Problematic (Prt)
Tikopia Matua Main, principal (Fth)
Tikopia Matikao matua Thumb (i.e. principal finger) (Fth)
Tikopia Foe matua Steering paddle (Drd)
Tongan Motuʔa-nima Thumb (Cwd)
Tongan Motuʔa-vaʔe Big toe (Cwd)
Tongan Motuʔa-tohi Original book or document (as opp. to copies or translations) (Cwd)
Tongan Motooa nima, motooa váe. The thumb, the great toe. (Mar)
Vaeakau-Taumako Lima metua Thumb (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Mdavae matua Big toe (Hvn)
West Futuna Kau/matua To become overgrown; site selected for a garden but not yet cleared or turned (Dty)
West Futuna Matou (ANI). Matua (Rve). Thumb. Pouce (Rve). (Cpl)
West Futuna Ko/motua Jardin nouveau, jamais planté auparavant (Rve)
West Futuna Poja rima matua; poja vae matua Thumb; big toe (Dty)

32 entries found

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