#88.2: Food Plants and their parts - Kava.

Reconstruction Description
GIGITA Papaw: *(g,n)i(g,n)ita
KATA.2 Sprig of kava (Piper sp.); stem (of flower or fruit)
KAWA.1A Plant sp. (Piper methysticum) and drink made from it
MAASOAQA Polynesian Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides); starch
MOII Sweet potato variety
PELE.2 A plant (Abelmoschus [= Hibiscus] manihot) with edible leaves
PIA.1 Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides); starch
SAMO Sweet-potato variety
WELETI Papaw (Carica papaya)

9 entries found