Protoform: FAKAA [NO] Coconut husk

Description: Coconut husk
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NO: NO

*8 The NKO and TAK forms may be explicable as *faka-kaa "sharpen" (q.v.) or as "fire starter" (NKO gaa 'catch fire').

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Luangiua Haa ŋiu Coconut husk (Smd)
Nuguria Hakai/niu Fibre covering the coconut, husk (Dvl)
Nukuoro Hakaa Husk of the coconut (Crl)
Sikaiana Hakae/niu The husk of a green or fresh coconut (Dnr)
Takuu Hak(k)aa/nui Husk of an old coconut (Mle)
Takuu Fakkaa/nui Husk of old coconut (Hwd)

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