Protoform: KUTU.2 [XO] Gather, assemble, collect; together

Description: Gather, assemble, collect; together
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to XO: Outliers (NKO KAP NGR TAK NKM OJA SIK PIL REN TIK ANU MAE MFA WFU WEV)

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Luangiua Haa/ʔuku To assemble (Smd)
Nuguria Ha(ka)/kkutu Put together, gather (Dvl)
Nuguria K/kutu Gather (for meeting) (vi) (Dvl)
Nukumanu K/kutu Meet, gather (Trt)
Nukumanu Hak/kutu Gather up; gather, assemble (vi) (Trt)
Nukumanu Kutu/rana Group (of people); legion (Trt)
Sikaiana K/kutu To collect, bring together; to come together, of people’ (Dnr)
Takuu K/kutu Close together, in a group (Mle)
Takuu Hak/kutu Bring close together, gather; (of people) assemble, congregate... (Mle)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kutu Live, stay, come together (pl) (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kutu/langa Meeting, group (Hvn)

11 entries found

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