Protoform: RAPU [EP] Gather

Description: Gather
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EP: East Polynesian

*8 Note. This entry replaces LAPU.2

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island Rapu Dar seƱas con la mano para llamar a una persona Problematic (Fts)
Hawaiian Lapu/lapu Collect, gather; handle, tie; pick up (as sticks for fuel) (Pki)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Rapu/rapu To grab hold of (Ttr)
Moriori Rapo/i Gather Problematic (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Rapu To look for, seek (Wms)
West Futuna Rabu/nea (ANI) A bag Problematic (Cpl)

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