Protoform: SALAFALU [NO] Tree sp.

Description: Tree sp.
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NO: NO

*1 Cf. PN *takafalu

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Luangiua Salahalu Small tree sp. used for house rafters (Smd)
Sikaiana Salahalu A plant species; used for making the rim {kaullie} of bird nets {seu}, flying fish nets {taetae}, and axe handles {kautoki} (Dnr)
Takuu Saravaru Tree sp. (timber used for canoes, net handles, house posts) Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
Vaeakau-Taumako Lahalu A small tree (Its strong wood is used for making bows, traps and house building) [TAU] (Hvn)

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