Protoform: SUNI.2 [XW] Shrub sp (probably Phaleria disperma)

Description: Shrub sp (probably Phaleria disperma)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to XW: West Polynesia (TON,NIU,EUV,EFU,SAM,TOK,TUV,NFO)

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Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea Huni A shrub (Drymispermum burnett) ; fleur Problematic (Myr)
Niue Huni A tree (Hernandia moerenhoutiana) (McE)
Niue Huni Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica); also (Ixora odorata), (Phaleria disperma); clustered flower plants (generic) (Sph)
Samoan Suni Shrub sp. (Phaleria disperma), also perhaps (Phaleria glabra), and (Ixora spp.), also with showy flowers Problematic (Whr)
Tongan Huni Shrub sp. (Phaleria disperma) (Whr)

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