Protoform: TAE-WAO [CK] Wild (not tame): *tae(tae)wao

Description: Wild (not tame): *tae(tae)wao
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CK: CK

*1 Cf. PN *wao.b

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
New Zealand Maori Taewao Wild (Wms)
Rarotongan Taetaevao Wild (i.e. not domesticated, of animals) (Bse)
Tahitian Taetaevao Wild; also clownish; an inhabitant of the interior, a clown, one not accustomed to society. Sauvage (homme ou bête qui vit en des endroits retirés) (Lmt). (Dvs)
Tuamotu Taetaevao A savage, barbarian...forest-dwellers....refugees living in mountain valleys... (Stn)

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