Reconstruction Level: SO - Samoic-Outlier Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
QAFA.2 A tree (Neonauclea sp.)
AFU.3 Resemble, be similar to (Rby)
ALAKISI.* Cicada
ALIGA Give off an odour: *a(a)liga
QALOFI Coastal area
AMA Turmeric used as a cosmetic and sun-screen
ANO.2 Go
QANU.2 Dance
UMU Fish sp.: Triggerfish
APAI.2 Lift, carry on arms or hands
ASU Smoke
QATI.2 Spread news, tell
ATUA-LOA Centipede
AUGA A skin condition (Rby)
AVA Collection, pair: *ava(a)
EVA Float (in air), fly
FAFA.3 Sheet (of rigging)
FAGA-SELE A favourite (and spoiled?) child
FAQI-AVA Channel, passage through reef (Clk)
FAIVA Fishing
FAI-VELI Copulate
FAKA-.3 Repetitive prefix (with numerals)
FAKA-FANO Defecate after constipation
FAKA-KAA.1 Sharpen
FAKA-KII.* Throat
FAKA-TIU.* North-west wind
FATI-GA-LEQO Larynx, voice
FATU-AKI Begin weaving; plan
SAGA.1C Customary gift or celebration
FEKAU.B Work (n)
FELO.2 A tree (Ficus tinctoria)
FE-PAKI Collide, fight
FOKE Peel (as fruit)
FOTA.2 Fishtrap
FUU.2B Sex organs
FUA.4 Fleet of canoes
FUA.5B Naked
FUQAIKA A fish (Carangoides)
FUA-QI-TINO Body (Rby)
FUA-TAGA.2 Unit of measurement (Rby): *fuata(g)a
TILI.4 Be fertile, produce offspring
FUNA-FUNA A bêche-de-mer (Holothuria sp.)
FUNU Pubic hair
GAA-.3 Locality prefix
GALO.2 Parrot-fish (Ebt)
GAOI Thief, bad person
GASOLO.*B Move slowly, slide along, crawl

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