Protoform: AN-ATU [SO] Go

Description: Go
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to SO: Samoic-Outlier Polynesian

*1 Cf. FU *ano, PN *atu.

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Anatu S'approcher de (Mfr)
East Futuna Natu Venir (seul); arrivée, venue (Mfr)
Emae Natu Go (Cpl)
Pukapuka Angatu Go to where to hearer is (or will be) Phonologically Irregular (Sby)
Tokelau Gaatu Travel or move in order to congregate at one place (e.g. people congregating for a village meeting) Phonologically Irregular (Sma)
West Futuna Natu To go away (Cpl)

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