Entries from Clark 1998 in Pollex-Online

Clark, R. (1998). A dictionary of the Mele language (Atara Imere), Vanuatu. Canberrra, Pacific Linguistics.

Language Item Description
Ifira-Mele Mata Door
Ifira-Mele Tuku/a Take down/off (something hanging)
Ifira-Mele Tuku/ukina To lower, let down
Ifira-Mele Tafa tʔtai Sea shore
Ifira-Mele Poo- Prefix to numerals: in (so many) days, (so many) days from now (in the future): pootoru, three days from now
Ifira-Mele Gaaipu Cup, empty coconut shell
Ifira-Mele Kiinei Here (near speaker)
Ifira-Mele Kiinaa Here, there (near addressee)
Ifira-Mele Kiiraa There
Ifira-Mele Matega Death
Ifira-Mele Fano Tree sp. (Ochrosia) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele Gaa/rafi Well-used everyday mats Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele Goria Gnaw, nibble
Ifira-Mele Guu/guu Fresh-water fish sp. Problematic
Ifira-Mele Ka/nuumwia Crumple up, squeeze, strangle Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele Kau Skin disease (possibly elephantiasis)
Ifira-Mele Kono/kono Kind of fighting spear Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele Puurou To cover (e.g. someone sleeping)
Ifira-Mele Rraa/ia Scatter (of a school of fish)
Ifira-Mele Taa/muu/muu Deep, low-pitched (voice)
Ifira-Mele Tuutaki Joint (of body)
Ifira-Mele Tuutaki/na To join (vt).
Ifira-Mele Kai/nuumwia To ask (a person) for (something) Phonologically Irregular