Entries from Codrington & Palmer 1896 in Pollex-Online

Codrington, R. H. and J. Palmer (1896). A dictionary of the language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks' Islands. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Language Item Description
Mota Puŋa Coral
Mota Sare Tear
Mota Sara/sara To come or go in a body together. Problematic
Mota Sale float, drift, soar with open wings. Problematic
Mota Sale Flow, run with water
Mota Sal Cut with a slashing cut
Mota Samw/ai Useless remains, refuse
Mota Sao Take up fish in a net
Mota Sau To lift up
Mota Ga/siosio Rainbow Problematic
Mota Sipa Turn aside, err, go wrong
Mota Sivure A parrot
Mota Sua To paddle, make a canoe voyage
Mota Suar To present itself, appear, as a vision
Mota Suliu Sucker from roots of a plant
Mota Sumu/t Fish sp
Mota Tara Hew, chop, cut
Mota Tango Touch with the hand
Mota Tas Sea
Mota Tasi/u Younger sibling same sex
Mota Tara Hew, chop, cut
Mota Tanu Bury with earth
Mota Teve Cut with a drawing motion
Mota Tivitivi A fish (Chaetodon)
Mota Tipwa Blunt arrow for birds.
Mota Ilo See, know
Mota Tiŋ To set a bound Problematic
Mota Togalau A northwest wind, over Ureparapara
Mota Toga Dwell (said to derive from sit)
Mota Tol Three
Mota Tov Spring below high-water mark
Mota Tul Earwax
Mota Ura Crawfish
Mota Unu/v Sink in, be absorbed, of a fluid Problematic
Mota Vawo Above Problematic
Mota Pei Water
Mota Aka Canoe
Ifira-Mele Raa/raku Unload; move one's place of residence
Mota Rue High tide; flow, of tide
Mota Gese That and nothing else