Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online
Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.
Language | Item | Description |
Pukapuka | Awiawi | Later afternoon or evening |
Pukapuka | Palapala | Mud |
Pukapuka | Angiangi | Soft, breeze; windy ; windy, breezy |
Pukapuka | Ango | To measure |
Pukapuka | Ango/ango | Careful rationing of a limited supply |
Pukapuka | Ako | To preach |
Pukapuka | Alawi/a | Revival of old ideas or habits by an individual |
Pukapuka | Aleale | Clear, pure Problematic |
Pukapuka | Amo | A rolled strand of sinnet |
Pukapuka | Ao | Lashing used to tighten other lashings |
Pukapuka | Ao | Heir to a position |
Pukapuka | Ata | Light of dawn |
Pukapuka | Atu | Away from speaker |
Pukapuka | Ava | Reef passage |
Pukapuka | Ea | Emerge; rise to the surface |
Pukapuka | Waa | Four |
Pukapuka | Waa | Hoarse |
Pukapuka | Waa/inu | To offer a drink |
Pukapuka | Waawaa | Grope, or feel round in the dark |
Pukapuka | Waangai | Feed tr. |
Pukapuka | Waiwai | Cat's cradle; to make string figures |
Pukapuka | Papa | To recite a genealogy Problematic |
Pukapuka | Waki | Pick a single section from a multiple fruit (especially Pandanus) |
Pukapuka | Wale | House or home |
Pukapuka | Wana/na | Bending, curving |
Pukapuka | Waanonga | A story Phonologically Irregular |
Pukapuka | Waanau | Be born; give birth |
Pukapuka | Wata | Drying rack for copra and other platforms |
Pukapuka | Watawata | Good build (said of a man) |
Pukapuka | Wati | Broken off, fractured |
Pukapuka | Watu | Compose song, chant etc. |
Pukapuka | Watu | Stone |
Pukapuka | Watu-manava | Heart |
Pukapuka | Wea | Where?, what?, why? |
Pukapuka | Wewela | Spread one's legs apart |
Pukapuka | Welawela | Frequently spread one's legs apart |
Pukapuka | Wetee | Bulging |
Pukapuka | Wili | To choose |
Pukapuka | Wilo | To braid (e.g. sinnet) |
Pukapuka | Wilo | To mix, include someone unrelated ; change village membership; a person who has changed to membership in the given village |
Pukapuka | Wiu | Whistle Problematic |
Pukapuka | Wiu | Tired of, fed up with |
Pukapuka | Woo | A small fish seen seasonally in large shoals |
Pukapuka | Wou | A native drill |
Pukapuka | Wolau | To commit suicide |
Pukapuka | Wole/wole | Peel off (the bark of plants), skin an animal (Mta) |
Pukapuka | Wole | Payment for losing a competition Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Pukapuka | Woli/woli | To flirt with someone |
Pukapuka | Takapini | Encircle, go around Problematic |
Pukapuka | Wono | Join together, splice |