Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online

Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Awiawi Later afternoon or evening
Pukapuka Palapala Mud
Pukapuka Angiangi Soft, breeze; windy ; windy, breezy
Pukapuka Ango To measure
Pukapuka Ango/ango Careful rationing of a limited supply
Pukapuka Ako To preach
Pukapuka Alawi/a Revival of old ideas or habits by an individual
Pukapuka Aleale Clear, pure Problematic
Pukapuka Amo A rolled strand of sinnet
Pukapuka Ao Lashing used to tighten other lashings
Pukapuka Ao Heir to a position
Pukapuka Ata Light of dawn
Pukapuka Atu Away from speaker
Pukapuka Ava Reef passage
Pukapuka Ea Emerge; rise to the surface
Pukapuka Waa Four
Pukapuka Waa Hoarse
Pukapuka Waa/inu To offer a drink
Pukapuka Waawaa Grope, or feel round in the dark
Pukapuka Waangai Feed tr.
Pukapuka Waiwai Cat's cradle; to make string figures
Pukapuka Papa To recite a genealogy Problematic
Pukapuka Waki Pick a single section from a multiple fruit (especially Pandanus)
Pukapuka Wale House or home
Pukapuka Wana/na Bending, curving
Pukapuka Waanonga A story Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Waanau Be born; give birth
Pukapuka Wata Drying rack for copra and other platforms
Pukapuka Watawata Good build (said of a man)
Pukapuka Wati Broken off, fractured
Pukapuka Watu Compose song, chant etc.
Pukapuka Watu Stone
Pukapuka Watu-manava Heart
Pukapuka Wea Where?, what?, why?
Pukapuka Wewela Spread one's legs apart
Pukapuka Welawela Frequently spread one's legs apart
Pukapuka Wetee Bulging
Pukapuka Wili To choose
Pukapuka Wilo To braid (e.g. sinnet)
Pukapuka Wilo To mix, include someone unrelated ; change village membership; a person who has changed to membership in the given village
Pukapuka Wiu Whistle Problematic
Pukapuka Wiu Tired of, fed up with
Pukapuka Woo A small fish seen seasonally in large shoals
Pukapuka Wou A native drill
Pukapuka Wolau To commit suicide
Pukapuka Wole/wole Peel off (the bark of plants), skin an animal (Mta)
Pukapuka Wole Payment for losing a competition Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Woli/woli To flirt with someone
Pukapuka Takapini Encircle, go around Problematic
Pukapuka Wono Join together, splice