Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka -a Suffix forming adjectives from some nouns
Pukapuka Awii Wrap food with leaf covering
Pukapuka Aawuu To be agreed, unanimous
Pukapuka Laaua Like, resembling Problematic
Pukapuka Aaua Shoal, sandbank
Pukapuka Akiaki Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
Pukapuka Akoako To practice, preach
Pukapuka Laalaawutu Golden Jack (Gnathanodon speciosus)
Pukapuka L/alati To be itchy
Pukapuka Aalea Space, area (prob. borrowed)
Pukapuka Alo Front side of the body or any object ; lagoon (front of island vs. tua)
Pukapuka Aloa Love, pity
Pukapuka Alu Go after, pursue
Pukapuka Yama Yellow butterflyfish (Chaetodon ephippium) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Manaki Hope, long for
Pukapuka Amo Lift up, carry on head or shoulders
Pukapuka Amu To sing ; kind of short song, prob. used for ridiculing other groups Problematic
Pukapuka Angatu Go to where to hearer is (or will be) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Ano Go. Said to be a shortened form of wano. (Sg. verb). Not recent borrowing. Common in old chants
Pukapuka Kaapua/ao Cloud
Pukapuka Ao Authority, domain e.g. Ao-laa-koo :abode of gods; ao kee (from old chants)
Pukapuka Ayi/ayi Keep a lookout for persons, animals
Pukapuka Ata/ata Red clouds at sunrise or sunset
Pukapuka Ata Preverbal particle denoting ability to perform action referred to by the verb; to be good at Problematic
Pukapuka Atawai Unselfish, generous, kind
Pukapuka Atamai Wish, desire ; intelligent, having common sense
Pukapuka Aatea/tea To expose, uncover. Wide, clear space (Sby).
Pukapuka Ati Heap up, build with stones
Pukapuka Au/yulu To prune
Pukapuka Awaa- Prefix to noun for pairs of objects (coconuts, taro, birds) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Avaava Small opening in reef
Pukapuka Ave Subspecies of yellowfin tuna with very long fins almost reaching tail
Pukapuka E A tense marker ; non-specific tense marker
Pukapuka E Ergative-passive agent marker
Pukapuka Ee/ke Yes
Pukapuka Ene To cuff, slap with the hand Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Eenei These; here they are Problematic
Pukapuka Epa/epa Sleeping mat best type of mat made from laukie material
Pukapuka Ete Be respectful, heedful, show deference; afraid of, fear
Pukapuka Lele i te eva! Idiom, "Fly", run swiftly
Pukapuka (Kau)waa Stalk of taro plants
Pukapuka Wawa Carry a person on back
Pukapuka Wawai To completely harvest a taro patch Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Waawaalua Manta Ray (Manta birostris)
Pukapuka Wanga/wanga Parts of hoop of flyingfish net
Pukapuka Waangota Generic term for rod-fishing (Clark 1991:79); a particular type of fishing
Pukapuka Wai Have, possess
Pukapuka Waingaawie Easily done
Pukapuka Mawu waikai Old name for taro with coconut cream
Pukapuka Wai lepu A kind of ray Borrowed