Entries from Feinberg 1977 in Pollex-Online

Feinberg, R. (1977). The Anutan language reconsidered: Lexicon and grammar of a Polynesian Outlier. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files Press.

Language Item Description
Anuta Peo Branched, or strongly figured coral
Anuta Pii/pia, pia/pia (arch.) Want, wish, like, desire
Anuta Pingota Shellfish (Haliotis sp.)
Anuta Piikai Hunger, hungry
Anuta Pitu Seven
Anuta Poi Individuating particle
Anuta Porau Voyage, journey
Anuta Pota Child (in kinship sense, i.e. offspring)
Anuta Potu Puncture, perforation; hole going right through an object; to puncture; to go through an opening
Anuta Pu/puu/ To hide something from another person
Anuta Pua Numeral particle indicating tens (with numbers 2-9, pua N = 10 X N)
Anuta Pua Fleet of canoes which is out at sea
Anuta Puanga Sharpening stone
Anuta Pua tanga Wailing song or dirge, sung at funerals, or to mourn someone's departure from the island or the loss of a canoe
Anuta Pungona Parent-in-law, child-in-law
Anuta Punu Pubic hair
Anuta Putu Tree sp. (Barringtonia asiatica)
Anuta Nga Definite article plural
Anuta Nga- Directional prefix
Anuta Ngaro Forget, disappear
Anuta Ngarue To move (as when an object moves as the result of being pushed or pulled by a human being)
Anuta Ngarue To work (either in the sense of "do work" or of "operate properly")
Anuta Ngaruru Earthquake (n,v)
Anuta Ngao Path Problematic
Anuta Ngau A plant (Scaevola taccada)
Anuta Nga(a)tai Seaward, toward the open sea
Anuta Ngenge Slow
Anuta Ngoto To sink
Anuta Nguipeke Squid
Anuta Ngutu Mouth; cutting edge of a blade or weapon
Anuta Aa Interrogative pronoun: What? Why? Huh?
Anuta Pu/angapuru/ Ten
Anuta Ai Who?, whom?
Anuta Akau Reef
Anuta Ake Direction up
Anuta Ipo Downwards
Anuta Ingoa Name
Anuta Ongongo A small plant capable of producing severe itching for a short time
Anuta Oko To arrive
Anuta Oro Grate a tuber
Anuta Uu Breast, nipple
Anuta Uui Gather Pandanus fruit or Betel Nuts
Anuta Uku Bathe in fresh water, skin dive
Anuta Uu Enter (as a man a house, a fish a hole in rocks); to get into (an item of clothing) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta Kapa Sennit cord
Anuta Kaina Eat it
Anuta (Ma)kakai Sharp (as a knife)
Anuta Kaia To steal
Anuta Kairo No, none
Anuta Kainanga Certain social groups said to be descendants of early invaders; clan