Entries from Beaglehole 1991 in Pollex-Online

Beaglehole, E. P. (1991). Pukapukan Dictionary Manuscript. Auckland, Pukapuka Dictionary Project, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka I/a Personal article
Pukapuka Ae Yes (prob. post-contact borrowing)
Pukapuka Awanga Open space used as a meeting place
Pukapuka Awi Fire
Pukapuka Wao Cord, especially fishing line
Pukapuka Awu Hot
Pukapuka Ao Dawn; light
Pukapuka Au Gall bladder
Pukapuka Au Smoke, breath
Pukapuka Ai Verbal directive particle
Pukapuka Aitu Spirit, ghost
Pukapuka Aka Root of a plant or tree
Pukapuka Aka Kick, stamp
Pukapuka Ala To awake
Pukapuka Aalai That which wards off, protects or defends as barrier; reef, in the sense of the outside reef considered as warding off the sea and protecting the land; reef heads and barriers in the lagoon
Pukapuka Aalea/lea Spacious
Pukapuka Alelo Tongue
Pukapuka Aliki Chief, head of a major paternal descent group
Pukapuka Alili Periwinkle
Pukapuka Alo(alo) To paddle
Pukapuka Waka/amu/ Be envious; grumble because of envy
Pukapuka Ana Mosquito net made of Pandanus matting Problematic
Pukapuka Y/aanini Giddy Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Anu. Ano (Mta). Cold, cool
Pukapuka Kaae mea e /ao/ ai There is nothing to be done about it
Pukapuka Apiapi Crowded, packed tight
Pukapuka Apo Stand guard with a weapon
Pukapuka Aayeu (Caranx melampygus)
Pukapuka Aayou Large deep-sea shark with flabby skin Problematic
Pukapuka Ayo Day
Pukapuka Ata Shadow
Pukapuka Atamai kole Stupid
Pukapuka Ate Liver
Pukapuka Ati Copulating place or group of people gathered together for cohabitation
Pukapuka Ato Thatch
Pukapuka Atu Bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Pukapuka Atu Line or row (of people or things)
Pukapuka Atua God
Pukapuka Atule A fish (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Pukapuka Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Pukapuka Au Ocean current
Pukapuka Aua Mullet sp. (Mugil cephalus)
Pukapuka Auee Alas
Pukapuka Aumai Bring
Pukapuka Ava A fish (Chanos chanos)
Pukapuka Ava/atu To give, to tell, to announce
Pukapuka Elo(elo) Putrid, stinking
Pukapuka Waka/ete/ngia Draw back, retreat
Pukapuka Eva(eva) Walk, wander
Pukapuka Waa/wuu Feed at the breast