Entries from Pawley & Sayaba 2003 in Pollex-Online

Pawley, A. and T. Sayaba (2003). Words of Waya: A dictionary of the Wayan dialect of the Western Fijian language. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.

Language Item Description
Waya Cavaa A storm, a gale accompanied by rain
Waya Avato Wood-boring grubs of various kinds
Waya Avu Foundation of a house (a flat mound of earth)
Waya Yalawa Shark sp
Waya Alo/ga Insides, inner part of body; heart, soul
Waya Alo/vi Wave to
Waya Alo/va Paddle a craft
Waya Aro/ga Insides, inner part of body; heart, soul
Waya Aro/aro Windward side, east
Waya Amo/ci Stroke or pat lightly
Waya A/niavi/ Yesterday
Waya Aaniini Tremble with fear or excitement
Waya Asi Sandalwood (Santalum yasi)
Waya Au I, me
Waya Auvee Cry over a trifle, cry for small cause
Waya Cawa Beach or reef below high-tide mark Problematic
Waya Awa A bony, carnivorous fish about a metre long
Waya Baa/baa Stalk or stem of certain large-leaved plants, especially taro, banana, coconut
Waya Vadra Pandanus
Waya Vana Shoot with a bow
Waya Basi Break, split, tear off
Waya Vii- Reciprocal prefix
Waya Ve/veke/ Defecate
Waya Vivi, viici- Wrap, roll up, bind, coil or roll around
Waya Vica How many?
Waya Voce Paddle, row
Waya Vali Indefinite, movement, progressive movement (Pawley 1970) Problematic
Waya Caa/levu Way, road, path...
Waya Gali Pleasant, nice, attractive, amusing
Waya Gwata Land snake
Waya Gado Stammer, stutter; speak with a glottal sound... Problematic
Waya Gudru Make a low, resonant sound
Waya Gusu Mouth of an animal
Waya Ei Who?
Waya Cala A narrow track or road esp. made by animals, or track left by a thief etc
Waya Cama (Float of an) outrigger
Waya Civo Downwards
Waya Cili Be on top, rest on
Waya Ciwa Nine
Waya Coqo Pierce, go into something Problematic
Waya Cuu Hide, comceal oneself; be hidden concealed
Waya Cucu Breast; suckle
Waya Culi Sucker of a plant, esp. banana or taro, also kava and others Problematic
Waya Kava-ti Roll sennit into a coil
Waya Kavo Be fortunate that someone avoided misfortune or overcame a difficulty; survive an ordeal, come through safely... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Waya Kai Points scored in a game
Waya Kalo Scoop up (liquid)
Waya Kanace Grey Mullet spp. (Mugilidae)
Waya Kabu Be covered in cloud, mist, fog
Waya Kato Container with lid: case, box, trunk, basket ...