Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Kata Laugh
Tuamotu Kata Twig
Tuamotu Katau Right (not left)
Tuamotu Kateea Open side of canoe
Tuamotu Kati Bite, nip v
Tuamotu Ka tira Cease! stop! that's enough!
Tuamotu Katirehe The adam's apple
Tuamotu Kato Pick, pluck (of flowers, etc.)
Tuamotu Katooa Equal, uniform, whole, wholly, altogether; also, too
Tuamotu Kau Swim
Tuamotu Kau Stalk, stem, midrib of a leaf; a handle (in compound words)
Tuamotu Kau/raka Not; do not!
Tuamotu Kauae Jawbone, inner jaw
Tuamotu Kauati Lower frictioning stick of fire-plough
Tuamotu Kaaui Left
Tuamotu Kauraka Do not
Tuamotu Kaurima Upper rubbing-stick in a fire-plough
Tuamotu Kaumaatua A very old man
Tuamotu Kaauna To desire ardently...to yearn, feel an intense longing for Problematic
Tuamotu Kaunati Lower frictioning stick of fire-plough
Tuamotu Aute China rose Problematic
Tuamotu Kava Kava, Piper methysticum (plant and drink), sour
Tuamotu Kava Sour, bitter
Tuamotu Kavakava (Decapterus sanctoehelenae)
Tuamotu Kaavake Moon, month
Tuamotu Kaavau Scold, reprove, reproach
Tuamotu Kave Carry
Tuamotu Paa/kave/ Carrying strap
Tuamotu Kave Friend, also a kin group Problematic
Tuamotu Kaveei Lash with fine cord Problematic
Tuamotu Kave(e)iŋa Guiding star (used to steer by)
Tuamotu Kaveka Sooty tern (Sterna fuliginosa)
Tuamotu Kaveu Birgus latro
Tuamotu Kaaviri Twist v
Tuamotu Kaviti Complete pearl-shell bonito lure
Tuamotu Kea Thrush (throat infection)
Tuamotu Kea Turtle sp
Tuamotu Kehoo A stone upright connected with an offering to the gods
Tuamotu Kehu A blond, sandy, reddish, light-chestnut-brown
Tuamotu Kee Different
Tuamotu Keo Sharp point
Tuamotu Taa/keo Project, stick out, pointed, projecting
Tuamotu Mimitaa/kei/ Clitoris Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu Keekee Armpit
Tuamotu Keko Squinting, having convergent strabismus
Tuamotu Kere Dark, black
Tuamotu Keri Dig v
Tuamotu Kena Booby, sp. Blue-faced booby (Sula dactylatra)
Tuamotu Ma/kenu/ Disturbed (as of earth, etc.)
Tuamotu Keta Hold firmly, be caught, be stubborn, stiff