Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Tiu/ua Blown off course
Tuamotu Too Set, descend (as sun or moon)
Tuamotu Too Possessive particle
Tuamotu Toa (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Tuamotu Toa Valiant, brave, a warrior chieftain
Tuamotu Toe Remain, be left over
Tuamotu Kii/toe/toe To split with a pointed instrument into many strips suitable for plaiting
Tuamotu Tofa, toha Divide into portions
Tuamotu Tohe Buttocks, vagina; a projection
Tuamotu Tohi Gouge
Tuamotu Tohoraa Whale
Tuamotu Toŋa Wind from southerly or easterly quarter
Tuamotu Toŋohiti A strange ship, unknown vessel; an enemy warrior, foreigner; hostile war canoe; meteor; variety of stick insect; [...other insects]
Tuamotu To?aahua The fatty lining of certain internal organs
Tuamotu Tooŋaamimi Bladder
Tuamotu Toŋi Peck, nibble
Tuamotu Toŋo Black Problematic
Tuamotu Toŋoao Immersed in black mud, to be Problematic
Tuamotu Toka Coral rock
Tuamotu Toka Firm, solid
Tuamotu Tokorua Couple, pair
Tuamotu Toke Worm
Tuamotu Toke/toke Cold
Tuamotu Tokerau Winds from north-east to north-west
Tuamotu Tookere Wooden gong
Tuamotu Toki Adze
Tuamotu Toko To propel with a pole
Tuamotu Toko- Human prefix
Tuamotu Tore Streaked, striped
Tuamotu Torea Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Tuamotu Toorino A spiral, twisted in a spiral
Tuamotu Toro Cast, hurl
Tuamotu Toro Creep, crawl
Tuamotu Torooa Bird sp., (Sula sp., Booby?)
Tuamotu Toru Three
Tuamotu Tomo Penetrate, enter
Tuamotu Tona Nodules on skin
Tuamotu Tona The cheek of the rectum (sic) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu Tono Bid, direct, require, command; send (a person)
Tuamotu Tonu (Stereolepoides thompsoni)
Tuamotu Topa To fall
Tuamotu Tope Prune, cut off
Tuamotu Tootara Spiny
Tuamotu Toto Blood
Tuamotu Totototo Suffused with blood
Tuamotu Tou (Cordia subcordata)
Tuamotu Toouo Eggs of any kind
Tuamotu Tooua Abdomen of coconut crab
Tuamotu Tuu/tuu, tutu To thump, pound, scuff, stamp the feet, as in shaking off dirt or dust...
Tuamotu Tuu Stand, upright, to be