#91: Body Parts.

Reconstruction Description
FAFA.2 Mouth
FAGA.7 Temples; hair on the side of the head
FAKA-FULA Inflate, cause to swell up; bladder, belly: *faka-(fu)fula
FAKA-KII.* Throat
FANUA.B Placenta, afterbirth
FATA-FATA Chest, upper body
FATI-GA Joint, esp. knee or elbow
FATI-GA-LEQO Larynx, voice
FATU.2B Kidney
FATU.5 Stomach, abdomen
FEKA-FEKA Entrails
FENUA.*C Placenta, afterbirth
FENUU.* Afterbirth, placenta
FIFI-MATA Eye lashes
FIFI.1 Some part of female genitalia
FIFI.2B Intestines
FIFI.3 Extensions from a body, as antennae, rays
FOFOGA Honorific/polite term for face, eyes, mouth, head
FOTO Barb of stingray
FOTU.3B Genital orifice
FUA-QI-TINO Body (Rby)
FUA.3A Fruit; to bear fruit; egg
FUA.3B Testicles
FUAFUA.2B Swelling (body part)
FULU-FULU Body hair, fur, feathers; hairy
FULU-MATA Eyelashes, eyebrows: *fulu(-fulu)-mata
FULU.1 Body hair, feathers
FUNU Pubic hair
FURE Rump, pubic region
FUU.2B Sex organs
GAAKAU Intestines
GAKO Fat (grease)
GALO.3 Molar tooth
GAO.1 Molar tooth
GUTU.A Mouth, lip, beak, orifice
HOUPO An internal organ
HUHU Breast, milk
HUI Bone
HUI-MATUQA Spine, backbone
HUI-TUQA Spine, backbone
IKU.1 The end of something; tail
ISO.* Pith, core; umbilical cord
ISU-PEQE Nasal mucus
ISU.1 Nose
IVI-TUQU Spine, backbone
IWI-LEI Collarbone (Ebt)
IWI.A Bone
KA-KANO.1 Flesh (of plant or animal); substance, or essential part of anything; seed, kernel

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