#61: Life Processes.
Reconstruction | Description |
AA-NEWA | Dizzy, unsteady, weak |
AA-NINI | Giddy, vertigo |
AA-NIWA | Dizzy, confused |
AKU-AKU | Thin (of person) |
ALA-TI | To scratch an itch |
ALEALE.A | Weak with hunger; nausea |
ALEALE.B | Concave, hollow; thin (of solid) |
AUTA | Restless sleep |
FAKA-TILI | To increase biologically, produce offspring |
FAKA-TOSI | Labour, effort, strain, esp. of childbirth: *faka-(to)tosi |
FITI-FITI-KIA | Reach stage of hair growth or colour |
FITI.1C | Sprain, strain (muscle) |
GAAWARI | Weak, feeble; pliable, flexible |
GAHE-GAHE | Weak, exhausted, lazy, ill |
GEGE | Weary |
GEQE | Obese |
GOGO.3 | Weak, wasted away |
HILA | A term referring to some kinds of health problems |
HOU | Sweat |
IWI.B | Strong, energetic |
KAFOTA | Sweat |
KAGO | Wasted; bare; undeveloped |
KAKAWA | Sweat, be sweaty |
KANOPOGI | Bereavement |
KELO.1B | Dead, or dying |
KEWA.1 | Stiffness (of body), convulsion, rigor |
KIHA | Tight, tense (bodily sensation) |
KIRITI | Convulsive movement |
KISI.1 | Dwarf; stunted |
KITA.2A | Tensed, as a muscle, a grip |
KONO | To strain, bear down (as when defecating, giving birth) |
KOO-WARI | Slack, as a rope, muscles, belly |
KOONINI.2 | Sensory pleasure |
KOPA.2 | Weak, lame |
KUME.2 | Pain; be in pain |
KUPA | Exhausted, enfeebled |
LAGA.3 | Hurt, painful |
LEKA.2 | Short, dwarf |
LILA | Thin, emaciated, sickly: *li(i)la(a) |
MA-LIGI.B | Menstruation; to menstruate |
MA-MATE.2 | Die (of more than one person) |
MAALOO.A | Strong, unyielding; victorious |
MAALOOLOO.A | Healthy, well, strong |
MAALOOLOO.B | Rest, recover one's strength |
MAALOSI | Strong |
MAANUNU | Worn out, exhausted |
MAFI | Strong, powerful, energetic, hardworking |
MAHU.B | Satisfied (of bodily need), quenched (of thirst) |
MALUMU | Weak |
MANIA.1 | Shudder, be set on edge (of teeth) |
95 entries found