#88.3: Trees.
Reconstruction | Description |
MAAFOA | A tree: *ma(a)fo(a,e) |
MAAGELE.1 | A tree (Trema sp.) |
MAALILI | A tree (Terminalia sp.) |
MAANAWA.2 | Shore tree species |
MAKARI | Tree sp |
MAKO.3 | Tree sp. |
MALA.1 | Tree sp |
MANA-PAU | Tree sp |
MANA-UI | A large tree (Garuga floribunda) |
MANONO | A tree (Tarenna sambucina): *manon(ou) |
MANUKA.2 | Tree sp (Leptospermum): *ma(a)nuka |
MAPA | A kind of tree (Diospyros major) |
MAPE.A | Tahitian chestnut (Inocarpus fagifer(us) [= edulis]): *ma(a)pe(e) |
MAQA-LAWA | Tree sp. *(maqa)maqa-lawa (Grf) |
MAQOTA | A tree (Dysoxylum sp.) |
MASAME | A tree (Glochidion ramiflorum) |
MATI.1 | A tree (Ficus tinctoria) |
MILO.1 | A tree (Thespesia populnea) |
MOLI.1 | Citrus (fruit) |
MOSOKOI | Perfume tree (Cananga odorata) |
NATU.2 | A tree (Burckella obovata) |
NEINEI | Tree sp |
NONI.1 | A tree (Morinda citrifolia) |
NONU | Tree sp. (Morinda citrifolia) |
OLA-WAI | A tree (Psychotria sp.) |
PAKILAGI | Tree sp |
PAU.3 | Tree sp |
PIPI.2 | Tree sp. (Hernandia sp.) |
POO-FATU.2 | Small tree or bush sp. (Sophora tomentosa) (Grf) |
POU-MULI | A tree (Flueggea [= Securinega] flexuosa) |
PUA-LIKI | A tree |
PUA-PUA.2 | A tree (Guettarda speciosa) |
PUA.A | (Fagraea berteroana [= berteriana]), or other tree with showy flowers |
PUKA | A tree (Hernandia peltata) or (Pisonia grandis) |
PUKA-TEA | A tree (Pisonia sp.) |
PUKA-VAI | A tree (Pisonia sp.) |
PUURAU | (Hibiscus tiliaceus) |
QAFA-TEA | Tree (perhaps Nauclea sp.) |
QAFA.2 | A tree (Neonauclea sp.) |
QAOA | Banyan tree (Ficus sp.) |
QOLOGAA | A shrub or tree (Pipturus argenteus [= incanus]); bark used for cordage: *q(a,o)logaa |
QOTA.3 | Sago palm (Metroxylon sp.): *(q)ota |
QOWAWA.* | Banyan tree (Ficus sp.): *qo(o)wawa |
RAQA-KAU.A | Tree, plant |
SAGALE | Mangrove sp. (Lumnitzera) (Grf) |
SALATO | Tree nettle (Dendrocnide harveyi) |
SEA.1 | A tree (Parinari insularum) |
TAA-FERO. | A tree or shrub |
TAFIFI. | A tree or vine |
TAKAFALU | A small tree (Micromelum minutum) |
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