Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
MOKO.1B Various species of invertebrates (us. with modifier)
MOKO.1C Fish sp.
MOKO.2 Desire (Clk): *moko(i)
MOKO.3 Cold
MOKO.4 Shoots, cuttings
MOKO.5 Bind
MOKOPUNA Grandchild: *m(a,o)kopuna
MOKORAA Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa) (Clk)
MOKOTUA Backbone
MOKU Little
MOLE.1 Extinct, exterminated; to disappear
MOLE.2 Smooth
MOLI TAHI Tree sp. (Ximenia americana) (Grf)
MOLI.1 Citrus (fruit)
MOLI.2 Bare, plain: *mo(l,r)i
MOLOKAU.A Centipede
MOMI Suck up food without chewing
MOMO.A Crumble, break into small pieces
MOMO.B Fragments, small pieces; small amount
MOMO.C Offspring
MONI Consume food (perhaps in a particular manner)
MONO.A To plug in, plug up, block up, caulk
MONO.B Replace, substitute for
MOO-IFI Fizz, fart
MOO-MONA Fat, rich, tasty (esp. of animal foods)
MOO-TEA White-faced, pale
MOO-TORO.* Seduce by approaching secretly at night (Clk)
MOOLII Oil, lamp
CK MOONENEFU Covered with spray, tarnished
MOORII Person of low rank
MOQI-KAKA Strand or shred of coconut husk fibre
TO MOQOTIPO Plant sp. (Urena lobata)
MORE Taproot
MOREFU.1 Dull (of colour, light)
MOREFU.2 Defeated survivor
MORI.A To offer, present
CK MORI.B Want, desire
NO MOSI Break or tear apart
MOSO.1A Sooty rail (Porzana tabuensis)
MOSO.1B Polynesian Starling (Aplonis sp.)
MOSO.2 Cooked
NO MOSO.3 Bivalve sp., decorated belt
MOSOKOI Perfume tree (Cananga odorata)
MOTI-MOTI Light rain, drizzle
MOTI.1 Stalk, sneak up on
MOTI.2 Bounded, limited; finished

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