Protoform: KOKO-MI [PN] Press down on

Description: Press down on
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*4 POC *9ko9ko "gather, catch in hands, take out, carry in hand, baggage, together" (Gce).
*5 PMP *gemgem i "die hand zur faust ballen" (Dpf. 1938).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Koko/ʔi Presser, écraser (Mfr)
East Uvea Kookoomi Push down (Btn)
East Uvea Kookoo Pushed down (Btn)
Fijian Qoqo Gather up in handfuls Problematic (Cpl)
Luangiua ʔOʔo Trying to go to toilet (Smd)
Marquesas Koko Se presser, se precipiter, aller vite (Dln)
Rotuman ʔOʔo Broody (of a hen) (Cwd)
Samoan ʔOʔomi Squash, crush (Prt)
Tongan Koko(mi) Squeeze, press (Cwd)

9 entries found

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