Protoform: KOLI.2 [CP] A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) with perfumed fruit

Description: A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) with perfumed fruit
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CP: Central Pacific

*2 PCP *qori "k tree with perfumed fruit (Syzygium sp.) (Gty. 1994).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Koli A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Whr)
East Uvea Koli A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Rch)
Fijian Qori A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Cpl)
New Zealand Maori Kori/kori (Ranunculus insignis), buttercup sp (Wms)
Niue (Kaa)koli Trailing or scrambling shrub (Clerodendum inerme) (Sph)
Niue Koli/vao Tree sp. (Syzygium richii)... (Sph)
Rotuman Kori Shrub with odoriferous fruit Borrowed (Cwd)
Samoan ʔOli (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Whr)
Tongan Koli A tree with odoriferous fruit . (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Whr)

9 entries found

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