Protoform: KOO-PANA [CE] Force something out with an instrument, as meat from a coconut

Description: Force something out with an instrument, as meat from a coconut
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << PN *pana.a

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
New Zealand Maori Koopana Push, throb, incite, urge (Wms)
Rarotongan Koopana To force meat from a coconut (Sve)
Tahitian Opana To turn out a stone with a handspike, or an iron bar; to poke or search for a thing with an instrument; to turn out a person from his possession; to rake out old grievances (Dvs)
Tuamotu Koopana Throb with passion, emotion; prise, pry up with apointed object, as an embedded object (Stn)

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