Protoform: LAU-TOLU [CP] Creeper sp.

Description: Creeper sp.
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CP: Central Pacific

*1 Cf. PPN *lau "leaf", *tolu "three"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Lautolu Nom d'un arbre; clone d'igname (Dioscorea alata) (Mfr)
East Uvea Lautolu Espèce d'igname (Rch)
Fijian Drautolu Generic name for the legumious creepers and climbing plants with thre leaflets, such as Vigna marina, Canavalia maritima etc. (Cpl)
Niue Lautolu A creeper with trifoliate leaves (Sph)
Tongan Lautolu General name for several creeping vines (Vigna spp.) (Whr)

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