Protoform: LAUKAU [XW] ??

Description: ??
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to XW: West Polynesia (TON,NIU,EUV,EFU,SAM,TOK,TUV,NFO)

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Laukau Etre amoureux; chercher à plaire; amour; affection. Sexual desire, feel sexy, love (Bgs). (Mfr)
East Uvea Laukau Amoureux, galant, vaniteux, qui cherche à plaisir (Rch)
Motu Lalokau Love (Lst)
Niue Laukou Greenery; foliage (McE)
Tongan Laukau Look one's best esp. to dress well, wear fine clothes (Cwd)
Tongan Lowcow Proud, arrogant (Mar)

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