Protoform: REI-GAA [CE] A jumping-place

Description: A jumping-place
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 < NP *lei 'leap' + *-ga

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Leina Spring, leap, bound; place to leap from (Pki)
Hawaiian Leina-a-ke-akua Place where the spirits leaped into the nether world (Pki)
Mangaia Reinga A jumping off place for bathers. (A word used on Atiu) (Chn)
Mangareva Re/reeinga kuʔane Place where spirits leap into sea (I) (Rch)
New Zealand Maori Te Reinga Place name. The point from which dead spirits leaped down to the underworld (Bgs)
Rarotongan Reinga Traces where someone has leaped over; leaping-over place (Bse)
Tuamotu Reeiŋa Jumping-off place (Stn)

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