Protoform: SOPO.D [PN] Frightened, startled
Description: | Frightened, startled |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Easter Island | Hopo/hopo te manava | To feel a strong imbalance of the mind, either from boiling anger, or overbrimming joy | (Fts) |
Hawaiian | Hopo(hopo) | Anxiety, uncertainty, doubt, fright, uncertain, anxious, in doubt | (Pki) |
Marquesas | Hopo | Start with fright (I). Craindre, avoir peur, peur, crainte. Remords; contrit, contrition, repentir (Lch). | (Dln) |
New Zealand Maori | Hopo | Become apprehensive (said of thoughts, heart) | (Bgs) |
Niue | Hopo/ate | Frightened, scared | (Sph) |
Niue | Hopokia | Frightened, shocked | (Sph) |
Rennellese | Sopo manaba | Be shocked, startled, frightened, scared | (Ebt) |
Tuamotu | Hopo/hopo | Worried, disturbed, anxious | (Stn) |
West Futuna | Sopo/sá | To start with fright | (Cpl) |
9 entries found
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