Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | A | Personal subject marker (Elbert 1988:107) | (Ebt) |
OC.A | (I)/a/ | Object marker | (Ebt) |
PN.-A | Namu/a/ | Be mosquito-ridden, to be many mosquitoes | (Ebt) |
AN.QAA.1 | ʔAa | Wall, fence, enclosure, surround v | (Ebt) |
FJ.QAFA.1 | ʔAha | Net gauge | (Ebt) |
PN.QAFA.3 | ʔAha/ʔaha | Walk with legs apart | (Ebt) |
MP.AFAA | Ahaa | Storm, hurricane | (Ebt) |
PN.AFAGA | Ahanga | Public place | (Ebt) |
MP.QAFATO | Ahato | Larva of longicorn beetle (Olethrus tyrranus) | (Ebt) |
MP.AFE.1A | Pahe | To come or go, of gods | (Ebt) |
NP.AFE.1B | Ahe/ahe | Sway, ruffle, as feathers, leaves | (Ebt) |
PN.AFE.2 | Ahe | A thousand (pairs of yams etc.) | (Ebt) |
AN.AFI | Ahi | Fire | (Ebt) |
PN.QAFII | ʔAhii | Package of baked or boiled greens or fish | (Ebt) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | Late afternoon and early evening | (Ebt) |
OC.QAFI-GA | ʔAhinga | Armpit | (Ebt) |
MP.AFO | Aho | Cord, line, thong, string | (Ebt) |
PN.AFU.2 | Ahu | Grow, as wild plants | (Ebt) |
PN.AFU.2 | Haka/ahu/ | Let grow, as volunteer papayas | (Ebt) |
SO.AFU.3 | Ahu | To resemble, look like, appear | (Ebt) |
PN.QAFU.1 | ʔAʔahu | Burn, smart, hurt (as new tattooing); shake, as with fever | (Ebt) |
PN.QAAFUA | ʔAahua | Resting-place of sea birds (as stone, reef) | (Ebt) |
MP.AFU-AFU | Ahuahu | Sprinkle, rain a little | (Ebt) |
MP.AFU-AFU | Ahu | Wind-blown rain | (Ebt) |
NP.QAFULU | ʔAhugu | Small fish sp | (Ebt) |
CP.AGA | Anga | Look like, resemble | (Ebt) |
PN.QAGAQAGA | ʔAnga | Chest, chest tattooing Problematic | (Ebt) |
PN.AGE | Ab/ange/ | Give to a third person | (Ebt) |
PN.AGE | Ange | Postposed particle softening entreaties, sometimes with a nuance of emotion (hope, sorrow, pity, affection, pleasure) | (Ebt) |
AN.AGI.1 | Angi | Blow (of wind, breeze) | (Ebt) |
AN.AGO.1 | Ango | Turmeric plant, (Curcuma longa) | (Ebt) |
PN.QAGO.B | ʔAngoʔango | Low tide | (Ebt) |
AN.QAHAWA-NA | ʔAaba/ki | Participate, join, help; helper, assistant, spouse | (Ebt) |
AN.QAHO | ʔAo | Day, daylight | (Ebt) |
NP.QAO-ATEA | ʔAoʔatea | Early afternoon | (Ebt) |
OC.QAHU.1 | ʔAu | Bile, gall-bladder | (Ebt) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | There, thereby, at, in | (Ebt) |
MP.QAI.2 | ʔEi | Copulate | (Ebt) |
AN.QAITU | ʔAitu | Deity | (Ebt) |
RO.AKA.B | Aka | A bush vine (Pueraria triloba) with long roots, eaten in times of shortage | (Ebt) |
PN.QAKA | ʔAka | Push over, heel over | (Ebt) |
PN.-QAKI.1 | -ʔaki | Formative suffix | (Ebt) |
MP.AKO | Ako | Teacher, to teach | (Ebt) |
OC.AKU | Aku | Excavate, dig, shovel | (Ebt) |
FJ.QARA | ʔAga | Wake up, be awake | (Ebt) |
FJ.QARA | ʔA/ʔaga/ | Wake up, stay awake; get up | (Ebt) |
PN.QARA-FIA | ʔAgahia | To wake up as one startled or frightened | (Ebt) |
PN.ALAGA.A | Aganga | Limb, as leg or arm; tool, as adze or knife; weapon; to carry such | (Ebt) |
OC.QALAWA | ʔAgaba | Large shark sp., probably black-tip or mullet shark . (C.Melanopterus) | (Gty) |
PN.QALELO | ʔAgego | Tongue | (Ebt) |
2088 entries found