Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.A A Personal subject marker (Elbert 1988:107) (Ebt)
OC.A (I)/a/ Object marker (Ebt)
PN.-A Namu/a/ Be mosquito-ridden, to be many mosquitoes (Ebt)
AN.QAA.1 ʔAa Wall, fence, enclosure, surround v (Ebt)
FJ.QAFA.1 ʔAha Net gauge (Ebt)
PN.QAFA.3 ʔAha/ʔaha Walk with legs apart (Ebt)
MP.AFAA Ahaa Storm, hurricane (Ebt)
PN.AFAGA Ahanga Public place (Ebt)
MP.QAFATO Ahato Larva of longicorn beetle (Olethrus tyrranus) (Ebt)
MP.AFE.1A Pahe To come or go, of gods (Ebt)
NP.AFE.1B Ahe/ahe Sway, ruffle, as feathers, leaves (Ebt)
PN.AFE.2 Ahe A thousand (pairs of yams etc.) (Ebt)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Ebt)
PN.QAFII ʔAhii Package of baked or boiled greens or fish (Ebt)
AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Late afternoon and early evening (Ebt)
OC.QAFI-GA ʔAhinga Armpit (Ebt)
MP.AFO Aho Cord, line, thong, string (Ebt)
PN.AFU.2 Ahu Grow, as wild plants (Ebt)
PN.AFU.2 Haka/ahu/ Let grow, as volunteer papayas (Ebt)
SO.AFU.3 Ahu To resemble, look like, appear (Ebt)
PN.QAFU.1 ʔAʔahu Burn, smart, hurt (as new tattooing); shake, as with fever (Ebt)
PN.QAAFUA ʔAahua Resting-place of sea birds (as stone, reef) (Ebt)
MP.AFU-AFU Ahuahu Sprinkle, rain a little (Ebt)
MP.AFU-AFU Ahu Wind-blown rain (Ebt)
NP.QAFULU ʔAhugu Small fish sp (Ebt)
CP.AGA Anga Look like, resemble (Ebt)
PN.QAGAQAGA ʔAnga Chest, chest tattooing Problematic (Ebt)
PN.AGE Ab/ange/ Give to a third person (Ebt)
PN.AGE Ange Postposed particle softening entreaties, sometimes with a nuance of emotion (hope, sorrow, pity, affection, pleasure) (Ebt)
AN.AGI.1 Angi Blow (of wind, breeze) (Ebt)
AN.AGO.1 Ango Turmeric plant, (Curcuma longa) (Ebt)
PN.QAGO.B ʔAngoʔango Low tide (Ebt)
AN.QAHAWA-NA ʔAaba/ki Participate, join, help; helper, assistant, spouse (Ebt)
AN.QAHO ʔAo Day, daylight (Ebt)
NP.QAO-ATEA ʔAoʔatea Early afternoon (Ebt)
OC.QAHU.1 ʔAu Bile, gall-bladder (Ebt)
OC.AI.1 Ai There, thereby, at, in (Ebt)
MP.QAI.2 ʔEi Copulate (Ebt)
AN.QAITU ʔAitu Deity (Ebt)
RO.AKA.B Aka A bush vine (Pueraria triloba) with long roots, eaten in times of shortage (Ebt)
PN.QAKA ʔAka Push over, heel over (Ebt)
PN.-QAKI.1 -ʔaki Formative suffix (Ebt)
MP.AKO Ako Teacher, to teach (Ebt)
OC.AKU Aku Excavate, dig, shovel (Ebt)
FJ.QARA ʔAga Wake up, be awake (Ebt)
FJ.QARA ʔA/ʔaga/ Wake up, stay awake; get up (Ebt)
PN.QARA-FIA ʔAgahia To wake up as one startled or frightened (Ebt)
PN.ALAGA.A Aganga Limb, as leg or arm; tool, as adze or knife; weapon; to carry such (Ebt)
OC.QALAWA ʔAgaba Large shark sp., probably black-tip or mullet shark . (C.Melanopterus) (Gty)
PN.QALELO ʔAgego Tongue (Ebt)

2088 entries found