Entries from Lamont 1867 in Pollex-Online

Lamont, E. H. (1867). Wild life among the Pacific islanders. London, Hurst and Blackett.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn È Yes
Penrhyn Coè You
Penrhyn Co Husking stick
Penrhyn Kaiing Food-lands
Penrhyn Capa A dance
Penrhyn Kau sho, cau sho Type of *parieu*
Penrhyn A/kaha Cordage
Penrhyn Kaiing Food lands (i.e. islands visited for food as opposed to where people lived
Penrhyn Arorangè Foreign lands; white man
Penrhyn Atua Spirit; supreme god
Penrhyn Cary No
Penrhyn Cavio Land-lobster
Penrhyn Kia Sleeping-mat
Penrhyn Tangata kichè Spirit doctor
Penrhyn Kino Bad ; bad, naughty, rough, stormy, rotten, useless
Penrhyn A/ino Drink!
Penrhyn Epo Drinking-cup
Tuamotu Riu Eau des fonds dans un bateau; qui fait eau; prendre de l'eau
Penrhyn Manga Food
Penrhyn Mangaro Type of coconut with sweet husk
Penrhyn Nuè Big
Penrhyn Poey Scraped coconut
Penrhyn Pusè White-speckled eel
Penrhyn Iriki King or chief
Penrhyn Toto Bag net
Penrhyn Coerari, coerarè Paddle-shaped club
Penrhyn Parieu, pariew Short mantle of matting
Penrhyn Isu Nose; prow of canoe
Penrhyn A wai Exclamation
Penrhyn Haka ki kitchè Friendly visit
Penrhyn Ika, eka Fish
Penrhyn A/tchica Truth
Penrhyn Taw Cooked
Penrhyn Su marè, sumarè/ng Very good, best
Penrhyn Rau rau Group fishing net
Penrhyn Pitaka Circle
Penrhyn Neu mata Half-grown coconut
Penrhyn Moto moto Ripe coconut
Penrhyn Mata pikè Crooked eyes, squint
Penrhyn Manienie/wr Shut up! silence!
Penrhyn Muko-muko, muco muco, makumako Earliest stage of coconut
Penrhyn Fono Council Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn E/chik Two coconuts tied together by husk
Penrhyn Hana Go
Penrhyn Harè House
Penrhyn Hoè Paddle
Penrhyn Hokè Return
Penrhyn Hona Turtle
Penrhyn Comities Wooden bowls
Penrhyn A hokè mai Come back to us