Entries from Martin 1827 in Pollex-Online

Martin, J. (1827). An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, with an original grammar and vocabulary of their language, compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr.William Mariner, several years reside in those islands. Edinburgh, Constable and Co.

Language Item Description
Tongan Tefe To circumcise in the Tonga manner
Tongan Camo Circumcise [Fiji method]
Tongan Tefito The root of any plant
Tongan Tefooa Single, alone
Tongan Tegi/chi Not yet, ere
Tongan Tehina A brother
Tongan Tele To scrape, to shave; a razor
Tongan Telefooa Bare, naked
Tongan Telie The name of a tree
Tongan Telinga The ear
Tongan Tenga The thigh, the ham
Tongan Teoo To adorn with dress; finery in dress; to prepare to go any where; ready, prepared
Tongan Tepa To goggle, to squint
Tongan Téte-téte Tremulous, chilliness
Tongan Teve The name of a particular plant, the root of which, in time of security, is eaten for want of better food
Tongan To The name of a tree, bearing berries, of which the glutinous pulp (called also to) is used to paste together the different sheets of tapa
Tongan Toa Brave, bravery
Tongan Toa The casuarina
Tongan Tobe A lock or tuft of hair
Tongan Toboo-váë The sole of the foot; a shoe, or sandal
Tongan Toca Person, or individual
Tongan Tocalów Eastern, in the east
Tongan Tochi(-tochi) Nibbled, notched Problematic
Tongan Toco A post, to fasten canoes to
Tongan Toco-toco A staff
Tongan Coeha tocooa? What do you say?
Tongan Tóë Remainder, residue
Tongan Tofe The oyster
Tongan Tofi(-tofi) To mince
Tongan Tofoá A whale
Tongan Tofoo A calm (no wind)
Tongan Tofoo/be The same, just as
Tongan Toge A water snake
Tongan Togi An adze
Tongan Tohi A picture; to draw, to write
Tongan Toho To drag, to tow a vessel
Tongan Toí/a Pierced, pricked
Tongan Tole Pudendum muliebre
Tongan Toleccalecca Beautiful (applied only to men, though sometimes to plants, trees, &c.)
Tongan Toli To gather, to pluck
Tongan Tolo To pitch, or throw; the name of a game
Tongan Tolo-afi To produce fire by friction
Tongan Toloa The wild duck
Tongan Tolonga Lasting, durable
Tongan Tolo/nga The piece of dry wood on which the end of a stick is forcibly rubbed to produce fire
Tongan Toloo The number three
Tongan Tomooa Before, first (as to time)
Tongan Tongi To engrave, to carve
Tongan Tongo The mangrove
Tongan Tonoo Manifest, clear, distinct, direct, even, in a row