Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Milino. Malino (Lws). Calm (of sea and weather)
Niue Malo Loin cloth; menstruation pad. A waist belt or cloth (McE).
Niue Maoo Hard
Niue Malolo Fall down, fall apart, break in pieces. Fall down, as a wall, fall apart, break, of waves (McE).
Niue Maloloo. Maloolo (McE). Strong, healthy
Niue Malu Shaded, sheltered
Niue Maluu Moist, damp (climate)
Niue Mama Chewed food; to feed with chewed food. A mouthful, that which is chewed, the cud (McE).
Niue Mama Ring; any ring-shaped object
Niue Maamaa Light (in weight)
Niue Maamaa Lungs
Niue Mamafa Heavy
Niue Mamahi Pain (physical or emotional), grief; to hurt (vi)
Niue Mamao Yawn
Niue Mamao Far
Niue Mamate Plural of mate
Niue Mana Miracle, magic (refers to supernatural phenomena)
Niue Manaia Decorated, embellished, decorative
Niue Manako Wish, want
Niue Manapau Tree name (Best 1942:29)
Niue Manatu Think, try to understand; remember; opinion, decision
Niue Manava Stomach
Niue Faka/manava/ Breath
Niue Monega A bluish parrotfish (Scarus sp.) Phonologically Irregular
Niue Manogi To give off a sweet-smelling fragrance, to be fragrant
Niue Manono A small tree, (Tarenna sambucina)...
Niue Manu Bird, creature, animal, beast....
Niue Monuu Praised, blessed
Niue Monuina Blessed, in peace
Niue Manu lele Bird (not animal)
Niue Manunu Burn-off, burnt land. Burnt (of bush) (McE).
Niue Mao Stop, cease (of rain)
Niue Mooli Be true, sure
Niue Faka/mooli To witness, give evidence, confirm; to tell the truth, be sincere
Niue Moota, maota Tree (Dysoxylum forsteri)
Niue Mapelu Bent, folded
Niue Mapu, mafu Whistle Phonologically Irregular
Niue Maha Empty [ex. of water container]; calm (of sea)
Niue Mahanga Twins (offspring); fruit not separated into two
Niue Mahakitaga A man's sister
Niue Mahala Think Borrowed
Niue Kahame A tree (Glochidion ramiflorum) Phonologically Irregular
Niue Mahani Conduct, habit, attitude, behaviour; be accustomed, usually do something
Niue Mahina Moon, month; button
Niue Futi /maholi/ Wild plantain, a cooking banana
Niue Mahunu Burnt, singed; whiplashed accidentally. To blister with heat; a slight burn (McE).
Niue Mata Eye, face
Niue Mata kupega Mesh of net
Niue Mata- (in compounds) Sharp point, blade, cutting edge; the very tip, head or front of something
Niue Mata A point of land