Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online
Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu
Language | Item | Description |
Niue | Lima | Hand, arm; power, authority |
Niue | Limu | Seaweed, moss |
Niue | Lilo | To twist, curl, braid Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Lipi(lipi) | Break in pieces, shatter Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Liu | Inside (refers to 'inside spaces' which are commonly accessible) [ex. pot] Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Liu | To turn, return; again (pre-verbal) |
Niue | Liivai | Urinate |
Niue | Loo | Ant, termite (generic) |
Niue | Loa | Long, tall |
Niue | Ofa | Fathom (measure of outstretched arms |
Niue | Ofe | Bend (refers to casually bending something) |
Niue | O/ofe/ | To bend (refers to carfully bending something) |
Niue | Ofe/ofe/ | Bend carefully; straighten something bent |
Niue | Loga | Many, plenty |
Niue | Ta/ogo | To echo |
Niue | Ogo | Message; to call, to send a message, to announce |
Niue | Logologo. Lologo (Ykr). | Palm-like tree (Cycas circinalis) |
Niue | Loholoho | Stalk on which the coconut grows |
Niue | Loi | Fish sp (Cephalopholis argus) |
Niue | He ute he ha | Why? what for? |
Niue | Loka | Rough (of sea) |
Niue | Lo/loku/ | Bend |
Niue | Loli | Sea cucumber or beche-de-mer |
Niue | Lologo | Sing, song |
Niue | Lomoki | To dip, submerge, duck (under water) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Lomi | To print, to type. To press (McE). Suppress (Lws). |
Niue | Loto | Inside, within, between |
Niue | Loto | A small pool on the reef. Pool, lakelet (McE). |
Niue | Lo/loto/ | A large pool on the reef. A pool inside, or on, the reef (McE). |
Niue | Loto | Mind, heart; to wish, to desire |
Niue | Lotu | Religion, denomination |
Niue | Lotu | Search for food in times of scarcity Problematic |
Niue | Luo | Hole, pit |
Niue | Lua | Vomit, throw up |
Niue | Ua | Two |
Niue | Lua/umee | Conductor (the person standing to the right of the leader in traditional dancing, to help the leader in conducting the singins) |
Niue | Lue/lue | Shake (of earth) |
Niue | Luga | Above, upon, over, top |
Niue | Luku | A fern (Asplenium nidus); the young leaves are used as a vegetable Problematic |
Niue | Luku(luku) | To carry in the arms [ex. child]. |
Niue | Lulu | Barn owl (Tyto alba) |
Niue | Lupe | Pacific pigeon (Ducula pacifica) |
Niue | Ma | Numeral conjunction |
Niue | Maa | Ashamed |
Niue | Ma | For |
Niue | Mafaa(faa) | Cracked open, split open. Crack, rift; to cut through, as a vessel cutting through the waves (McE). |
Niue | Mafaki | To drop off as fruit from tree |
Niue | Mafana | Warm |
Niue | Mafati | To be snapped off, to break down by force; to calm down, to subside; to be relieved |
Niue | Mafela(fela) | Chipped Uncertain Semantic Connection |