Entries from Feinberg 1977 in Pollex-Online

Feinberg, R. (1977). The Anutan language reconsidered: Lexicon and grammar of a Polynesian Outlier. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files Press.

Language Item Description
Anuta To/tonu Straight
Anuta Tou 2s possessive, singular possessed
Anuta Tou/tou To hang (down)
Anuta Tou/tou/taringa Ear ring, traditionally made from turtle shell
Anuta Tua A pudding in which sago flour is one of the ingredients
Anuta Tuaakoi Stone for marking garden boundary
Anuta Tua/a/nima The back of the hand
Anuta Tuaaru (?tua/uru) South, southerly wind Problematic
Anuta Tua/a/vae The upper surface of the foot
Anuta Tua(a)uma Shoulder
Anuta Tuei Old, ancient; wait [= (taking a long time)]
Anuta Koi tuei Not yet
Anuta Tui A kind of plant Problematic
Anuta Tui/kaki To change; to translate
Anuta Tunu To roast something over an open fire; roasted
Anuta Tupa/ki To preach
Anuta Tu/pekau To send for
Anuta Tupuna Grandparent, ancestor
Anuta Turi To chase
Anuta Tu/ro/ronga Quiet, noiseless Phonologically Irregular
Anuta Turu Cloth of European manufacture; anything made of cloth
Anuta Turu/turu Sprigs of attractive or aromatic leaves stuck in back of one's waistcloth to adorn oneself at dance or ceremony
Anuta Tuti To write
Anuta Tu/tua To weed
Anuta Tu/tuki To dig a hole in the ground Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta Tutu/nga "Anvil" for pounding bark cloth or pandanus leaf
Anuta Tuuki To stab
Anuta Tuu/ti To cut
Anuta Tuu/tuu/ti To slice something with a knife or adze
Anuta Toi (rau kie) Split (pandanus leaf)
Anuta Ui/ui A kind of plant
Anuta U(u)ke To uncover a canoe; uncover an object such as a canoe which has been covered with leaves while not in use; uncover or untie, as a food parcel.
Anuta Ume (pau) Type of fish with bony projecting forehead...
Anuta Unga Small hermit crab (often used as bait for *tiiti* fishing from the beach)
Anuta Uo/ua Pudding made by baking tubers and then mixing with fresh coconut cream...
Anuta Ure Penis
Anuta U(u)ro To be aflame, to glow
Anuta Uru To roof (replace rotted leaves on roof of house)
Anuta Urukao A type of large man-eating shark
Anuta Urunga Wooden head-rest; to place one's head on a headrest
Anuta Uta Supplies or cargo lying in the hold of a canoe; a haul of fish lying in the hold...
Anuta Utu To fill
Anuta Uu/a kitua To chase out
Anuta Uu/paka Tobacco roll
Anuta U/upi Grass used for mulching for taro
Anuta V/a(a)i To taste; to be flavored Problematic
Anuta Vaa/mangio A kind of plant which produces itching in humans (Tetrastigma sp.)
Anuta Vaa/maunga Valley
Anuta Vae Vicinity [area surrounding]
Anuta (Va)vae, vae/vae To divide