Entries from Firth 1985 in Pollex-Online
Firth, R. (1985). Tikopia-English Dictionary/Taranga Fakatikopia ma Taranga Fakainglisi. Auckland, Auckland University Press
Language | Item | Description |
Tikopia | Soa | Friend, bond-friend |
Tikopia | Soaka | Variety of banana, said formerly (1928) to be used as funeral food, now planted as general food |
Tikopia | Soani | Assist in supplementary manner; term especially associated with traditional yam rites |
Tikopia | Sofa | To sprout (of a plant that has been cut back) Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Tikopia | Songi | Smell |
Tikopia | Fe/songi | Touch noses |
Tikopia | Songo | Female genitalia |
Tikopia | Soi | Dioscorea bulbifera) |
Tikopia | Sooii | Comfort, favour |
Tikopia | So/soka | Transfix, spear |
Tikopia | Soko | To join |
Tikopia | Soko | Cook, esp. male affine performing oven tasks for members of wife's or mother's lineage, on formal occasions Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Tikopia | Soko/tasi | One, single, unique, the same, equivalent |
Tikopia | S/soko | Thick (consistency) |
Tikopia | Soko/soko/fia | Few |
Tikopia | Sora | Run away, flee, evade, escape |
Tikopia | Sori | Give, hand over |
Tikopia | Soro | Landslide; crumble, tumble one after another |
Tikopia | Soro | Persist; importune; frequent; follow in sequence; crowd around; and other abstract terms indicating iteration, repetition of behaviour; continually, persistently |
Tikopia | Soro | Song of lament type |
Tikopia | Soroi | Scrape along, trickle down Problematic |
Tikopia | Homo | The sprout of a germinating nut. |
Tikopia | Sope | Tufts of hair left to grow at sides of a boy's head |
Tikopia | Sopo | Leap, jump |
Tikopia | Sopo | Board a vessel |
Tikopia | Sopu | Snatch from another; join oneself to Problematic |
Tikopia | Soo | Satiated, had enough, fed up with |
Tikopia | Suu | Soaked in water, saturated |
Tikopia | Suua | Clear away brush-wood, weeds |
Tikopia | Sua | Liquid (of thicker consistency than vai in some cases, though often equated) |
Tikopia | Sua/sua | Insipid, lukewarm Problematic |
Tikopia | Sue | Globefish (Tetradontidae canthigasteridae) and other species |
Tikopia | Suee/i | Sweep aside, twitch aside, lift off cover |
Tikopia | Sii/aki | Exchange, substitute |
Tikopia | Suki | Stick in, penetrate, pierce |
Tikopia | Suru | Stow away, sheath; a sheath |
Tikopia | Suru | Cloth of woven type; clothing Problematic |
Tikopia | Sumu | To cross-lash with fine coconut sinnet; such a lashing |
Tikopia | Sumu | Triggerfish and related types (Balistidae, Monocanthidae) |
Tikopia | (Su)sunu | Burn, set on fire, scorch, singe |
Tikopia | Taa | Strike, hit |
Tikopia | Te taa tau | Tattooing |
Tikopia | Tau | First person inclusive dual preposed subject pronoun Problematic |
Tikopia | -tau | First person inclusive dual possessive suffix |
Tikopia | Taa | A sea-fish |
Tikopia | Tae | Scoop fish; take, catch |
Tikopia | Tae | Excrement |
Tikopia | Taeturi | Earwax |
Tikopia | Taeturi | Millipede |
Tikopia | Taetuli | Millipede |