Entries from Pukui & Elbert 1986 in Pollex-Online

Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.

Language Item Description
Hawaiian Kanu To plant, bury
Hawaiian Kao Dart, fish spear, javelin
Hawaiian Kao/mi Press down, squeeze or exert pressure
Hawaiian Kaaohi Hold back, restrain
Hawaiian Kaona A hidden meaning in poetry
Hawaiian Kapa Bark-cloth
Hawaiian Kapa Labia
Hawaiian Kapa Edge, border, brim, boundary, side (as of road), bank (as of stream)
Hawaiian Kapa Call, term, give a name to
Hawaiian Kapaʔau Raised place in heiau where offering were placed
Hawaiian Kaapapa Voracious in appetite, desctructive Problematic
Hawaiian Kapakapa Human crotch
Hawaiian Kaapeʔa Seize and hold a criminal
Hawaiian Kaapili Build, put together, put on, fit together, mend, fix, repair, join...
Hawaiian Kaapola Bind, wrap, bandage (Obs.)
Hawaiian Kapu Taboo, prohibition, sacred, holy, consecrated
Hawaiian Kapuahi Fireplace, name of a star
Hawaiian Kaapuhi Nurse or caretaker, master of an animal
Hawaiian Kapukapuahakea A land area on Moloka`i, associated with a heiau.(pronunciation uncertain) (Pem)
Hawaiian Kaahi One
Hawaiian Kahi Cut longitudinally
Hawaiian Kaa Canoe bailer; to bail
Hawaiian Kaakau Tattoo, write, print on tapa
Hawaiian Kake Chants with mixed or garbled words
Hawaiian Kaakou We, us (first person plural inclusive)
Hawaiian Kaakuu (Sphyraena barracuda)
Hawaiian Kaakua Fasten (as sarong)
Hawaiian Kau Hang, suspend, perch, rest
Samoan Tau Leaves used to cover up a native oven of food
Hawaiian He/kau/ Anchor; to anchor
Hawaiian Kau Period of time, season
Hawaiian Kau Particle indicating plural
Hawaiian Kaua War, battle, army; make war
Hawaiian Ua Refers to a previously mentioned noun Problematic
Hawaiian Kaaua We two (inc)
Hawaiian Kauhuhu House ridgepole
Hawaiian Kauila Ceremony of consecration
Hawaiian Kaula Rope, cord
Hawaiian Kaaula Prophet, seer
Hawaiian Kaulana Resting place
Hawaiian Kaulaʔi Hang up (as to dry in sun)
Hawaiian Kaulua Pair, yoke, two of a kind; put together
Hawaiian Kaulua Double canoe
Hawaiian Kaumaha Heavy; weight
Hawaiian Kaumaha Offering, sacrifice
Hawaiian Kaumaha/ʔai Food offering to gods
Hawaiian Kaupoku Ridgepole; highest point, ceiling
Hawaiian Kaupoku ʔiole Second ridgepole placed aboce the main ridgepole
Hawaiian Kaupee Humble, timid and cringing, crushed; to walk in a feeble, wobbly manner, as a sick or aged person Problematic
Hawaiian Kaawaha Opening, hollow