Entries from Pukui & Elbert 1986 in Pollex-Online

Pukui, M. K. and S. H. Elbert (1986). Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.

Language Item Description
Hawaiian Kino Body, person, individual, self; main portion
Hawaiian Kio Cheep, chirp
Hawaiian Kio Shellfish species
Hawaiian Kipa Turn aside
Hawaiian Kiipaopao To scoop out the earth from the side as by the sea hammering on the coast Problematic
Hawaiian Kiipapa Prone position on a surfboard; to assume such
Hawaiian Kipi Dig with sharp tool
Hawaiian Kiipuka Short shoulder cape; cloak; poncho
Hawaiian Kiihae(hae) Tear, shred, strip, as leaves
Hawaiian Kihe Sneeze, to sneeze
Hawaiian Kiikaha Soar, glide, turn aside, veer, deviate
Hawaiian Kiki A plug, to plug a hole
Hawaiian Kiikii A bird resembling the plover
Hawaiian Kiko To pick up food (as chickens do)
Hawaiian Piikoikoi Onanism, to practice onanism; rude, sarcastic; do in irregular, haphazard fashion
Hawaiian Kiu North-west wind
Hawaiian Koo Become pregnant
Hawaiian Koo (Saccharum officinarum)
Hawaiian Kou Your, 2nd person singular O-class possessive
Hawaiian Koo Your, 2nd person singular neutral possessive
Hawaiian Ko Possessive particle
Hawaiian Koa (Acacia koa)
Hawaiian Koa Brave, bold, fearless, valiant
Hawaiian Koe Remainder, surplus, excess
Hawaiian Koe Scratch, claw, scrape; strip pandanus leaves; strike match; card wool etc
Hawaiian Maa/koe/ To rake, strip, scrape away
Hawaiian Koene Edge away
Hawaiian Kohe Crease, groove, vagina; inside barb of fishhook
Hawaiian Koholaa Whale
Hawaiian Kohu Resemblance, appearance, likeness, match
Hawaiian Kohu Stained, discoloured; sap, stain, blot
Hawaiian Kona Leeward (i.e. south or southwest)
Hawaiian Konohiki Headman of an ahuhenua land division
Hawaiian Konaahua Fat, grease; kidneys
Hawaiian Koni Nibble at bait
Hawaiian Koi Urge, pull
Hawaiian Koʔa Coral, coral head; fishing grounds; shrine, often consisting of circular piles or coral or stone...
Hawaiian Koʔa/na Dregs
Hawaiian Koʔa/la Dregs
Hawaiian Koʔana Put one's mind on a thing, concentrate on
Hawaiian Koʔala Coagulated mass of blood that fails to come away with afterbirth
Hawaiian Koo/koʔolua Companion, partner, associate...
Hawaiian Koʔe Worm, a worm of any kind
Hawaiian Koʔe/koʔe Cold, damp, chilled
Hawaiian Koʔele Tapping sound (wood on wood)
Hawaiian Kai/koʔeke/ Same generation affine of the same sex
Hawaiian Koʔi Adze, axe
Hawaiian Koʔo Human prefix to numbers
Hawaiian Koʔolau Windward (north-east) coast of Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Mauli-ʔawa Hiccough Problematic