Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Rii/rii Wind (e.g. fishing line around stick), tie (bait onto hook)
Takuu Rihu Tire of doing something; lose patience with someone; (of a fish) refuse to take the hook, not bite; start to eat something. then realise you do not want to eat it
Takuu Rika (of a pet animal or bird, etc.) Partially wild, not fully domesticated; (of a person) habitually disappear during the day and return home only at night
Takuu Riu Twirling movement of the paddle in the women’s hoe dance
Takuu Roha Measure of distance between fingertips of outstretched hands: fathom
Takuu Roro (of an overladen canoe) Swamp
Takuu Ruu Shake
Takuu Rui Bilge of canoe; groove, depression, or inner concavity of an object (such as the grooved surface of a curved adze or the hollow of a cup or bowl) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Ruku/ruku (of paper, cloth etc.) Crumpled
Takuu Ruku/ruku Deep place in the sea that is covered with seaweed and may contain coral formations
Takuu Kaisaa (of people) Greedy, selfish; (of rats) to eat everything in sight Problematic
Takuu S/saa (of something normally covered by water) Emerge, appear above the surface; (of one’s bones) protrude obviously, be clearly visible
Takuu Sae (of frightening spirits such as mouri or tipua) Appear frequently; (of the spirit of a dead person) fly overhead
Takuu Saere Walk, go
Takuu Sahe Single half-hitch knot; to lash pieces of timber together, as on a canoe or house
Takuu S/sahe Flying fish (Cypselurus spp.) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Sake, ssaka Lift one’s laplap to expose one’s buttocks as an act of provocation, expose oneself
Takuu Saa/kila Look or glance once out of the corner of one’s eye
Takuu Saakiri, saekiri Curse, swear
Takuu Saa(o)roo Scrape something (with a knife, etc.) in order to soften it
Takuu Saapai Carry in one's arms, lift [ex. child]
Takuu Sara kai (of a seabird or fig. of a person) Search for fish
Takuu Saraa Fish sp. [Atherinidae silversides], edible small blue and white fish netted and used for bait Phonologically Irregular
Takuu S/sari Wipe, remove someting with a flick/scrape (e.g. water) off the surface of something (e.g. of a human body after bathing, a common practice)
Takuu Sarii Fish sp. caught in hand nets for bait
Takuu Sau Breeze, gentle wind
Takuu S/sau State or condition (esp. of the human body) as specified by the following verb
Takuu Saauaki Edible sea urchin sp. Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Sava Dance gesture, esp. in sau dances
Takuu S/sava Covered or smeared with an undesirable substance (e.g. paint, blood, faeces)
Takuu Se A, an (indefinite article)
Takuu See No, not (precedes verb)
Takuu Sea Lift the leg, as in a stamping movement; any (foreign) dance using this gesture
Takuu Se/hui- Prefix when counting coconuts in units of ten, or money in units of ten toea
Takuu Seka/a Fine white mould, mildew, or fungus (such as that appearing on leather); salt residue on one’s skin
Takuu Paaseke Ricochet, bounce off, graze
Takuu Seki Not yet (indicates incompletion of action)
Takuu Se/kumi Unit of lineal measure: ten fathoms
Takuu Seku/seku Dishevelled, disarranged in appearance, messy or untidy looking, unkempt Phonologically Irregular
Takuu S/seni Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind
Takuu S/seni Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind; periods before sunrise and after sunset: dawn, dusk
Takuu S/sena Stain, spot, discoloration
Takuu Seemuu Quiet, private, secret
Takuu S/sere Circumcise, operate on someone
Takuu Sere Dear, beloved, favourite
Takuu Seru Comb; long tail feathers of rooster and some other birds
Takuu Se/tau Year
Takuu Seu Oval hand net formerly used while perched in a tree for catching edible birds
Takuu Ssii Scoop out the flesh of coconuts, clams, etc.
Takuu Ssii Edible shellfish sp.