Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Hakanoho Seat, cause to sit down or up; install (a chief, elder, spirit medium), put into office
Takuu Non/nono Human brain; edible meat inside the head of a fish Phonologically Irregular
Takuu N/noto (of wound, hole etc.) Deep
Takuu Noto/hia (of canoe) Fully laden; riding low because of the weight of its contents
Takuu N/nuu Make a whirring or vibrating noise; whimper, whine, (of pig) squeal Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Nutu-a, u/nutu/a Scold someone
Takuu Oo Provisions for a sea journey, comprising coconuts, but no cooked food
Takuu Oo Exclamation of surprise Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Ohana Bird nest
Takuu Oho Awaken, wake up (vi)
Takuu Oko Gather or collect scattered items to be picked up one or a few at a time (e.g. shellfish, ripe coconuts, firewood)
Takuu Oko Adductor muscle of a nakohu giant clam, which holds the two shells together at the base
Takuu Oma/oma (of a bird) Soar
Takuu One Sandspit, sand bar, sandy place on the reef (obs.); sandy flat area where the spirits of each clan reside
Takuu Ono Six
Takuu Oriori Song type....
Takuu Osi Young shoot of a plant that has developed from a sucker of an old plant
Takuu Oso (of liquid in a container) Overflow
Takuu Oto Length of sennit cord long enough to attach one vertical row of thatch panels to a roof Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Paa Pearl oyster
Takuu Ppaa Flat surface, floor of a house, flat rock, reef flat
Takuu Pae Pile, heap, elevated area; pile of clothing forming a baby's bed
Takuu Paena Border areas of the community's garden on Takuu Island where men grow giant taro in individually prepared holes Problematic
Takuu Paki Men's dance using stylised wooden clubs; club used in this dance
Takuu Pakia Be lucky in finding plenty of what one is trying to get Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu (P)paku Burnt; dried out from overcooking
Takuu Paku Burnt, hard part of a food (e.g. rice); outer part of the core of a tree where the wood is dry and hard
Takuu P/paku Indelible stain from the blood of a fish, turtle or human
Takuu Pakuu Strike against something creating a banging sound; run aground; arrive at a destination; rhythmic striking of paddles against a canoe hull to attract a shark
Takuu Pa/l/laha Flat
Takuu Pani Smear, as of a mark on the skin; paint face or body, apply turmeric markings to corpse
Takuu Paopao One-man outrigger canoe (considered something of a toy)
Takuu Paa/paki Poisonous jellyfish sp. with white body, red spots and dangling tendrils Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Papu Wrasse sp.
Takuu Para Wet
Takuu Paara/i Paint, smear
Takuu Parani Blue-dotted Hairtooth Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) and other spp.
Takuu Pare Lean, veer off-course
Takuu P/pare Veer, steer, turn
Takuu P/pata (of sand) Coarse; (of rain) having drops large enough to indent the skin.
Takuu Patu (of coconut embryo) Firm
Takuu P/pau Count, enumerate
Takuu Pee Break wind, fart (esp. audibly) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Ppee Generic term for butterfly, moths, hoppers
Takuu Pela Earth, soil, land which is muddy in times of heavy rain
Takuu P/pela (of ground) Soft
Takuu Pese Song, anything sung (obs.)
Takuu Peva Prehensile tail-like protrusion from the rear of a large male turtle, containing the penis
Takuu Pia Foam (on the ocean, coconut toddy, etc.)
Takuu Pia Sediment