Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu (H)akanava Tree (Cordia subcordata) whose timber is used for house posts and whose flowers decorate dancers
Takuu Turuna, turuma Tubular wooden container for turmeric, sealed at one end and covered with fine plaiting
Takuu Epu (of water) Murky because of stirred up sediment
Takuu Musu Sandfly
Takuu Puupuu taamaki Overeat, gorge oneself; feel bloated
Takuu Pao/natia (of all the island's trees) Suffer a blight in which many plants bear only undeveloped fruits or have fruits fall off before ripening Problematic
Takuu Taukareka Good-looking, fine, good
Takuu Mouku Inland, central area on Takuu island including men's and women's gardens and bush; kind of fragrant, thin, long-bladed grass; generic term for inland grasses and creepers used as mulch for taro and swamp taro
Takuu Uru/uru (Of one's stomach) Gurgle, especially after drinking a large quantity of water
Takuu Uru A sexually explicit song designed to distract potentially malevolent spirits while the image of the spirit Pukena was carried from its carving place to the ritual arena on Takuu Island
Takuu Paa Indented; blemish in a tree trunk (as opposed to knot)
Takuu Paki-a Cut off, trim, prune
Takuu Kahota (pl. kaffota) Sweat, perspire
Takuu Hak(k)aa/nui Husk of an old coconut
Takuu See Breath
Takuu Hiriani Mast of a ship or canoe; radio antenna, aerial
Takuu Ika-a-hatu General term for fish inhabiting coral heads (all lagoon fish except perhaps members of the trevally family)
Takuu Tapatu/ri Fourth growth stage of barracuda (Sphyraena sp.) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Tapuke Mound on which turmeric and ginger is grown; turmeric root; root of plant such as wild ginger rhizome
Takuu Tititai Creeper sp. (Wedelia biflora)
Takuu Tuatoro Plant sp. (Triumfetta procumbens), a vine whose leaves are made into headbands’
Takuu Lapiao Fish sp., Grey Unicornfish (Naso sp.)
Takuu Makattau, matakkau (of solid object) Hard, firm, rigid
Takuu Pu(u)rei Glans penis; penis
Takuu Puu Head of an octopus
Takuu Sattaa Goatfish sp.
Takuu Sara/tea Small white fish sp.
Takuu Simata Large number, one thousand
Takuu Sisi/oi Insect sp., dragonfly (Anisoptera sp.)
Takuu Sikisiki/tau Bird sp., small finch-like bird, Island Monarch (Monarcha cinerascens)
Takuu Kami Walk briskly, toes gripping the ground
Takuu K/kao Narrow
Takuu Hakkaa Light up, cause to burn, start (an engine)
Takuu Kipu South, direction of the south wind
Takuu -oa Unit of measurement for pairs of things other than coconuts (siaoa, ruaoa, torunaaoa...)
Takuu Katoko Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra)
Takuu Uaaroto Centre section, area in the middle; ritual name for a location inside the ariki’s house
Takuu Ualloo (of a large group of people, animals, etc.) Go or come quickly to or from a place
Takuu Uru kao Shark sp. with pointed snout
Takuu (Ha)kkoo Sago palm (non-indigenous, drifts to Takuu)
Takuu Ori/ori Rock back and forth, sway gently; baby's hammock...; slide a canoe hull back and forth (to remove water)
Takuu Hua/avaka Small canoe type Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Hakatuu Erect, cause something to stand, initiate, raise (one's hand), stand on tiptoes; (of canoe) set a course towards something
Takuu P/poko Vagina
Takuu Akonaki Teach a moral value
Takuu Hui Flock, swarm (n)
Takuu Kautarina Ear; tuning key of guitar
Takuu Hanoana Journey, trip Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Hakavvare In a daze; mad keen, obsessively interested in something (e.g. fishing)
Takuu Maruu (of pain) Lessen, become reduced, abate, disappear