Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Hetaa Fight
Takuu Huahuaa rima Muscle of the upper arm or forearm
Takuu Huahuaa vae Muscle of the calf or thigh
Takuu Hui/taarau One hundred units of ten toea
Takuu Iri Fan (held in one's hand)
Takuu Ise Shoo, chase, drive away (especially of chickens)
Takuu Kaahana Loop of rope used around one's feet and hands to assist in climbing coconut trees
Takuu Kak/kake Ladder, stairs
Takuu Kanokano Paper Wasp
Takuu Kaaoti Stop, quit (vi)
Takuu Kapa Sea crab sp. with yellow eyes, a dark coloured carapace, and thin legs... Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Kappisi Shoot something (with a gun); explode
Takuu (Karamata) puni Blind
Takuu Kau, kou Give, hand to someone
Takuu K(k)au- Pluraliser (makes a group into a collective noun); group, company, bunch, set
Takuu Kau/manava Sides of the waist (lit. stomach); sides of a canoe. Kidney (Hwd).
Takuu Kautarina mouri General word for fungi (including mushrooms); fungus sp. shaped like an ear
Takuu Kee(kee) (Of kinship) related along a collateral line, not a lineal relation
Takuu Kivi/aitu Shore bird with black rings around the eyes; said to cry during times of human misfortune
Takuu Kohe-a Peel (skin); scrape (a koo [digging stick])
Takuu Kunu Adult stage of an edible clam which burrows into the reef (Tridacna maxima, T. crocea)
Takuu Makila Shiny, glistening
Takuu (Hai)maa Kinship term applied to certain affinal relatives
Takuu Mahana Removed, freed, released
Takuu P/poko Vagina
Takuu Maarama Natural world (as opposed to the supernatural)
Takuu Masike (pl. massike) Stand up, get up; (of the wind) pick up, increase in strength; (of engine) start, fire
Takuu Matakaaina Place, area, location
Takuu Matapuku Fish sp., Papuan Trevally (Caranx sansun) [second largest growth stage]
Takuu Matuka Bird sp., a type of tern Problematic
Takuu Maatua Clan head, traditional religious and secular leader; parent
Takuu Milo/milo Sea grass species found near shore (eaten by turtles)
Takuu M/mosi Break or sever by pulling apart
Takuu Naa Fish sp., approx. 250 mm. long, blue and white, found in schools...
Takuu Nakohu Giant clam (Tridacna gigas)
Takuu Neva/neva (of stomach) Unsettled from hunger; (of body) exhausted; (of birds) hover
Takuu Naa n/noho Wives in a plural marriage (in fables)
Takuu P/pao Wash up on shore
Takuu Paela Curved metal blade of a hoe or mattock Problematic
Takuu Pana Be accustomed to, adjusted to, used to
Takuu Panaa/ua Side of the shoulder next to the neck
Takuu Pannoo Fishing technique: standing in waist-deep water and casting a line among the rocks for small fish; Golden Spinefoot (Siganus guttatus) or rabbitfish, typically caught by this method
Takuu Para/para Soft, weak, limp, easily torn
Takuu Pare Wear a leaf or frond tucked into one's laplap as a ritual ornament Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Paretua Fishing contest with married couples competing against other married couples Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Pati kauae Jaw of an animal; dimple
Takuu Pe(e)naa Like that (close to you), in that way
Takuu Peenei Like this, in this way
Takuu Penu/penu Last and largest payment of bridewealth... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Ppee laurauhau Moorish Idol (Zanclus canescens); type of large butterfly