Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Matara Untied, undone
Tuamotu Matariki The Pleiades; the star Capella in the Pleiades, believed to be the king of the stars; the name of a god
Tuamotu Mataamua Ancient times; earliest times; commencement
Tuamotu Maataataa Split, crack, partially but in many places
Tuamotu Matau Fishhook
Tuamotu Maatau Understand
Tuamotu Mate Die
Tuamotu Mate Unconscious
Tuamotu Mate Extinguished
Tuamotu Mati Shrub with red berry
Tuamotu Matikao The claw, nail, talon of birds and beasts
Tuamotu Matikuku Fingernail or toenail
Tuamotu Maatiro Crave food; beg for food
Tuamotu Mato Steep, precipitous; a cliff
Tuamotu Maatohi An arc of a circle
Tuamotu Maatou We (exc.)
Tuamotu Matua Mature, ripe
Tuamotu Matuua Old person
Tuamotu Metua Parent
Tuamotu Maatuku White Heron
Tuamotu Mau Fixed, constant, permanent, continuing, lasting
Tuamotu Mau Hold firmly
Tuamotu Maaua We two (exc)
Tuamotu Maua/tea Brown Booby Problematic
Tuamotu Maauŋa Mountain
Tuamotu Moouŋa Mountain
Tuamotu Maaui/ui To suffer pain
Tuamotu Maaui Left (not right)
Tuamotu Maaui Legendary hero
Tuamotu Mou Annihilated, exterminated, utterly destroyed Problematic
Tuamotu Maauri Darkish, gloomy Problematic
Tuamotu Mauri/kero The name of a star Problematic
Tuamotu Maunu Withdraw, slip out (e.g. crustacean shedding skin); take off clothes
Tuamotu Mautini Gourd, pumpkin (Chl)
Tuamotu Maavae Divide, separate, part (partially, a little way)
Tuamotu Me Conjunctive particle; with; a connective
Tuamotu Mea Reddish
Tuamotu Mea Thing
Tuamotu Meŋe Shrivelled, deformed, undeveloped
Tuamotu Mere Discard, reject (of unwanted/defective object)
Tuamotu Mere The name of a star; said to change color from red to yellow and white; ? Antares
Tuamotu Mero/mero Fish with light, bright reddish skin
Tuamotu Mene/mene Round Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu Mehameha Fear, dread, be frightened, terrified at anything imminent but invisible
Tuamotu Meto Destroy, extinguish (as life)
Tuamotu Meto/meto Destructive of life; destroying
Tuamotu Miŋo/miŋo Wrinkled, shrivelled up
Tuamotu Mira Viscous matter; semen
Tuamotu Miri Rub, stroke with fingers, smooth out; smear, anoint with oil
Tuamotu Miri Embalm a corpse. Basil (Ocimum sp.) (Sct).