Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Hipa Oblique, awry
Tuamotu Hii Lift up, as a log Problematic
Tuamotu Hii Ray of light
Tuamotu Hiva Black
Tuamotu Hivi Line of dancers Problematic
Tuamotu Vini Pacific Lorikeet (Vini peruviana)
Tuamotu Hoo/mai ~ /ho/ake Give
Tuamotu Hoo To run, set out, start Problematic
Tuamotu Hooa Friend
Tuamotu Hoŋi Touch noses, smell
Tuamotu Hoŋo Smell of urine
Tuamotu Hoi Spreading plant/vine, kumara(?)
Tuamotu Hoka Stab, pierce
Tuamotu Hoko Exchange, barter
Tuamotu Ora Be alive, escape Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu Hora Decoction of roots of (Morinda citrifolia) used as fish poison. Tree sp. (Morinda citrifolia) (Sct).
Tuamotu Horo Landslide
Tuamotu Horo Run, move swiftly
Tuamotu Horoi Wipe, dry oneself off
Tuamotu Horu Disturbed (of emotions, of water), to be
Tuamotu Honi Nibble, bite, scrape out with teeth
Tuamotu Hope Tail of bird, occiput, pointed end of coconut
Tuamotu Hoopiki Numb, cramped, as a leg; epilepsy, convulsions
Tuamotu Hopo/hopo Worried, disturbed, anxious
Tuamotu Hopu Seize
Tuamotu Hopu Dive straight down
Tuamotu Huu Fart
Tuamotu Huua Commence part of chant called huua:
Tuamotu Hua/a Commence to chant
Tuamotu Hua/hua Semen, mucous, discharge (as of genital organs, male or female)
Tuamotu Huaki Uncover earth-oven
Tuamotu Hue Porcupine Fish (Diodon spp.).
Tuamotu Huero To burst asunder, as the sky
Tuamotu Huki Pierce, spit
Tuamotu Hura Uncover, expose, reveal, disclose; revealed, disclosed
Tuamotu Huru Glow with faint light
Tuamotu Hume Put on, as a loincloth
Tuamotu Humu Fish sp., said to be poisonous
Tuamotu Hupe Nasal mucus
Tuamotu Taa Strike
Tuamotu Taa Tie, as a fish-line upon a pole
Tuamotu Tae Reach, arrive
Tuamotu Tae Flotsam,anything that drifts upon a beach
Tuamotu Tae/tae Filth, excrement, refuse
Tuamotu Taaea Fish sp. (Lutjanus gibbus)
Tuamotu Taha Side, margin, edge, border
Tuamotu Taha Coconut water container
Tuamotu Tahaŋa(haŋa) Clear, naked, obvious
Tuamotu Tahaŋa For a little while, just a moment, a little, moderately; suddenly; surely, certainly, positively
Tuamotu Tahatai The seashore