Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Veri Variety of land centipede
Tuamotu Veriveri Disgusting, offensive, unpleasant
Tuamotu Veriveri Cunnus
Tuamotu Vero Throw or hurl a spear or dart; pierce, transfix
Tuamotu Veru/veru Rags, tatters, shabby, worn garments; stinking, filthy
Tuamotu Veo Copper, frly. brass
Tuamotu Vehe Open, separate, divide, push apart...
Tuamotu Vete Separate, slip off- one leaf; be apportioned out (as food)
Tuamotu Vete A whitish fish
Tuamotu Veve Poor, poverty stricken
Tuamotu Viri Twist
Tuamotu Viti/viti Swift, speedy, quick
Tuamotu Viivii Dragonfly, grasshopper
Tuamotu Viivoo The nose flute
Tuamotu Kutu, kuru A variety of shrub
Tuamotu Maapee (Mod.) Tahitian Chestnut tree (Inocarpus edulis) and its fruit
Tuamotu Koo/hihi To tear, strip off, as sections of a coconut husk with the hand
Tuamotu Piiere To split open, separate, come apart; to gape, hang open (as a wound, orifice)
Tuamotu Hakairo To punish severely, chastise, reprimand Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu Hiakai To suffer with hunger, hanker for food
Tuamotu Hua Roe
Tuamotu Hamo To plant, set in soil
Tuamotu Oro Rub
Tuamotu Ari To remove debris from around the taproot of a newly-planted coconut; to undermine, as a beach, bank of a river Problematic
Tuamotu Hakamate To put to death for a grave offense or misdeed; to slay, kill
Tuamotu Huu Any explosive sound, eructation
Tuamotu Pare Turn the front or back in any direction; face (toward); turn, veer, swing, as the eyes
Tuamotu Parepare An artificially constructed platform or eminence...made of earth or stone; a raised house foundation; the breast-works of a fortification
Tuamotu Ekeeŋa A voyage, journey
Tuamotu Pane Mons veneris
Tuamotu Pakiia Tapped, slapped, rapped, pounded, struck; hit, touched (as by a weapon)
Tuamotu Piro A foul smell, offensive odor; putridity, offensive matter, corruption
Tuamotu Tahora A smooth flat beach having no large stones; a shallow flat just under water
Tuamotu Taakuo Fish sp.
Tuamotu Kapi Shut (as bivalve); crowded...
Tuamotu Pau Consumed, used up, exhausted (as provisions, food); exterminated, destroyed...spent (of the breath)
Tuamotu Tua The place behind, at the back, above (of clouds, winds); remote, high regions or spaces...
Tuamotu Taŋi Make characteristic sound
Tuamotu Oo Penetrate, enter into; find room, get in (implying difficulty or reluctance)
Tuamotu Poi To toss up and down, as waves in a storm
Tuamotu Peke To leap, bound, jump
Tuamotu Peke Ascend, as a kite; fly up, as a garment lifted by the wind; take wing, as a bird; flow, spread, diffuse
Tuamotu Peke/peke Speeding; quick, light on one's feet; sprightly, lively
Tuamotu Pe/peke Hurry up, hasten
Tuamotu Ahaŋa The high seas, far-away seas; the distant ocean expanse
Tuamotu Karu Loose flesh; a fold of loose flesh; cheek, as of face or buttock; lips, as of the cunnus
Tuamotu Karu/karu Wrinkled, baggy, hanging in folds (of skin); slack, loose (as rope); a new-born infant
Tuamotu Mea To do, deal with, perform (a non-descript predicative substituting for any action mentioned, understood or implied)
Tuamotu Muko/ko The young shoot of a plant Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu Muko/niu The soft, newly formed flesh of the young coconut