Entries from Williams 1971 in Pollex-Online

Williams, H. W. (1971). A Dictionary of the Maori Language. Wellington, Government Printer.

Language Item Description
New Zealand Maori Ngatu Lower part of stem of Bulrush (Typha angustifolia)
New Zealand Maori Ngatu Crushed, mashed
New Zealand Maori Ngaue(ue) Shake (vi)
New Zealand Maori Ngaawari Soft, accomodating, obedient; easy (not difficult)
New Zealand Maori Ngee Noise; screech
New Zealand Maori Ngenge Tired
New Zealand Maori Ngenge Shrub
New Zealand Maori Ngere Passed over, not served, disappointed, having failed of one's object
New Zealand Maori Ngehe Lazy, soft, yielding, peaceful Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori Ngete/ngete Make a clicking sound with the tongue
New Zealand Maori Nge/ngeti/ Pupa and cast-off skin of Cicada ; sand-louse
New Zealand Maori Ngi/ngio Shrivelled, wrinkled, withered
New Zealand Maori Ngongo A seabird
New Zealand Maori Ngongo Suck, suck out; nectar; tube; pool of water in a hollow at which birds drink
New Zealand Maori Ngongo Waste away, become thin; sick person, invalid
New Zealand Maori Ngoiro (Larus dominicanus), young southern black-backed gull
New Zealand Maori Koiro (Larus dominicanus), young southern black-backed gull
New Zealand Maori Ngoio A whistling sound
New Zealand Maori Ngore(ngore) Smooth, plain; soft, pliable, flaccid
New Zealand Maori Ngo/ngoro/ Snore
New Zealand Maori Ngoru Loose, slack; earthworm
New Zealand Maori Ngoru/ngoru Soft, yielding
New Zealand Maori Ngohe(ngohe) Supple, soft; obedient, pliable; easy, agreeable
New Zealand Maori Ngote-a Suck
New Zealand Maori Nguu Groan, moan
New Zealand Maori Nguu Squid (Sepia apama)
New Zealand Maori Nguunguu Gnaw
New Zealand Maori Ma/ngungu/ Closely knitted or woven Problematic
New Zealand Maori Nguru(nguru) Grunt, rumble, murmur
New Zealand Maori Ngutu Beak, lip, mouth (of harbour), rim
New Zealand Maori Ngutu/ngutu Angry dispute
New Zealand Maori Ngutukao (Isurus glaucus) Mako shark
New Zealand Maori Aa Drive along
New Zealand Maori Aha What
New Zealand Maori Haangai Opposite, confronting; across, at right angles, astride Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori Anga Face, move (in a certain direction)
New Zealand Maori Hangahuru Ten (Best)
New Zealand Maori Haangii Earth oven
New Zealand Maori W/ai/ Who?
New Zealand Maori Aia Expressing satisfaction or complacency, "it is good", Etc
New Zealand Maori Akau Shore, reef (I)
New Zealand Maori Ake Up, upwards
New Zealand Maori Ake Go
New Zealand Maori Akiri Reject, throw away
New Zealand Maori Haku Kingfish (Seriola grandis) Problematic
New Zealand Maori Ara Road
New Zealand Maori Arataki Lead, conduct v, point out, seek
New Zealand Maori Ama Outrigger on the windward side of a canoe; thwart of a canoe
New Zealand Maori Hamumu Speak
New Zealand Maori Anaa There