Entries from Capell 1973 in Pollex-Online

Capell, A. (1973). A new Fijian dictionary. Suva, Government Printer.

Language Item Description
Fijian Sea (Parinarium insularum)
Fijian Sea/sea Kind of meke danced by women with fans
Fijian Sei Flower of the pandanus
Fijian Seka A luminous, white toadstool
Fijian Seke Swollen and wet (of vagina) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian Sere-ka Untie
Fijian I/sele Knife
Fijian Sele/-va Cut
Fijian Cere A thing that is run for in a race; prize (mod.)
Fijian Seru/ta Comb v
Fijian I/seru/ Comb n
Fijian Sema Splice, patch Problematic
Fijian Seu Scratch, as a hen
Fijian Se/sewa/ Ignorant, astray
Fijian Seva Incorrect, wrong Problematic
Fijian Sii Semen
Fijian Sivi Cut out with an adze
Fijian Sika/ni lawa Net needle
Fijian Ciqo-ma Catch, lay hold on, chiefly of things thrown
Fijian Ci/cila/ Hole in a pot, chink in a door Problematic
Fijian Cina In names of kalou
Fijian Sinu Residue of unscented coconut oil after boiling
Fijian Sinu Several trees whose sap is irritating (Phaleria)
Fijian Civocivo Sudden gust of wind off mountains Problematic
Fijian Sici Trochus spp
Fijian Cici Separate coconut pulp with knife-point
Fijian Ci Break wind
Fijian Soo Assemble together (of people); crowd round, gather about
Fijian I/saa/ Companion, mate
Fijian Soo Help
Fijian Soaqa Banana sp. (Musa fehi)
Fijian Sova-raka Pour out liquids in large quantities
Fijian I/sovasova Dunghill
Fijian Coka Pierce, usually with spear
Fijian Cokai Forked pole to hold out canoe sail
Fijian Soqe Peale's pigeon (Ducula latrans) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian Soqe loa White-throated pigeon, (Columba vitiensis) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian Coko Tie, fasten
Fijian So/soko Congealed, of oil; thick, of liquids
Fijian Soli Give, gift, offering.
Fijian Soro/a Grouped together, in quantities
Fijian Somo Stained, dyed Problematic
Fijian Somo/somoa Dirty Problematic
Fijian Soni Make a small incision, as for piercing a boil
Fijian Sobu Down, downwards, descend, go ashore from a canoe
Fijian Suu Soup
Fijian Cuu Turn buttocks towards as insult
Fijian Sua Use an oar in rowing
Fijian Sue Cooking area in a house Problematic
Fijian Cuki/ta Loosen ground with a stick